In this lecture, the recent progresses in plasma assisted combustion, in-situ mid-IR diagnostics, and studies of low temperature plasma combustion kinetic mechanism will be discussed. The observations of plasma activated direction ignition to flame transition, cool flames, and warm flame will be presented. The direct measurements of intermediate species, elementary rate constant, and the kinetic pathways of non-equilibrium plasma by using laser absorption and Faraday rotational spectroscopy will be discussed. Development of low temperature plasma combustion kinetic mechanisms for alkanes will be presented. The recent development high pressure kinetic mechanism for plasma assisted combustion and technical challenges for future research are summarized.
Dr. Yiguang Ju is the Robert Porter Patterson Professor at Princeton University. He received his bachelor degree in Engineering Thermo-physics from Tsinghua University in 1986, and his PhD degree in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering from Tohoku University (Japan) in 1994. He was appointed as an Assistant and Associate Professor at Tohoku University from 1995 to 1999, and as a Chang-Jiang Professor and the Director of Thermo-physics Institute at Tsinghua University in 2000. He joined Princeton University in 2001. Prof. Ju’s research interests include combustion and propulsion in the areas of near limit combustion, microscale combustion, plasma assisted propulsion, alternative fuels, multiscale modeling, and functional nano-materials. He is an ASME Fellow and a Fellow of the Combustion Institute. He is serving as the chair of US Sections of the Combustion Institute and an Associate Editor for AIAA Journal, Proceedings of Combustion Institute, and Frontiers in Energy. He received the Bessel Research Award from von Humboldt Foundation and is a distinguished visiting fellow of Royal Academy of Engineering of the UK.