Felix Ewere
Associate Teaching Professor
- Phone: (919) 515-8381
- Email: feewere@ncsu.edu
- Office: Engineering Building III (EB3) 2304
As an educator, Dr. Ewere aspires to impact a yearning for knowledge by instilling a scientific curiosity that will mold exceptional minds for the future. Dr. Ewere’s long-term goal is to facilitate a mastery of the engineering discipline by inspiring his students to realize their own potentials.
Dr. Ewere has taught several MAE courses prior to joining NC State in 2018 namely; Fundamentals of Aerodynamics, Numerical Methods, Engineering Mechanics (Dynamics and Statics), Engineering graphics (Solid Edge, SolidWorks and AutoCAD) and computing in Mechanical Engineering.
Since joining NC State, Dr. Ewere has been involved with numerous capstone design projects. He has taught the Mechanical Engineering capstone senior design and currently teaches the Aerospace Engineering capstone senior design course.
Dr. Ewere’s interests are in the science and technology at the intersection of aerodynamics, structural mechanics, energy and smart materials. Recent works have focused on exploiting aeroelastic instabilities on piezoelectric structures for engineering applications. His educational research interests include engineering design education, developing better-equipped graduates for the workforce, bridging the core competencies gap, improving diversity and collaboration within disciplines.
Outside work, Dr. Ewere plays soccer and likes to visit new places.
- 2022 - 2023 Aerial Robotics Club, NC Space Grant
- 2022 - 2023 High Powered Rocketry Club, NC Space Grant
- 2021-2022 Aerial Robotics Club, NC Space Grant
- 2021 - 2022 High Powered Rocketry Club, NC Space Grant
- 2020 - 2021 High Powered Rocketry Club, NC Space Grant
- 2020-2021 Aerial Robotics Club, NC Space Grant
- High Powered Rocketry Club 2019
- Aerial Robotics Club 2019
- Capstone Senior Design Project - Backhoe Loader Boom Lock Actuation