Afsaneh Rabiei
- Phone: (919) 513-2674
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- Office: Engineering Building III (EB3) 3250
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Dr. Afsaneh Rabiei is interested in processing and characterization of advanced materials, metal foams, coatings and composites. She enjoys solving advanced materials problems aimed at improving our health, safety and environment. Her goal is to create new materials along with improving the properties and performance of existing materials by altering their manufacturing techniques and by studying their micro-structural and mechanical characterization and their failure analysis.
Dr. Rabiei teaches Advanced Materials (MAE-539). In this course, Dr. Rabiei exposes students to newer classes of materials like metal foams, coatings, composites and thin films. She also surveys the current state-of-the-art in advanced materials and presents a comparison of our in-house capabilities with the state-of-the-art. At the undergraduate level, she teaches Statics (MAE-206), Solid Mechanics (MAE 314) and Strength of Mechanical Components (MAE-316). These are classical courses but she likes enriching these courses with discussions on environmental and physical properties exhibited by a wide variety of materials and real life applications. She also presents Undergraduate Research through MAE496 and MAE586. In this course an undergraduate student will be teamed up with a graduate student and will be assigned to work on a research project.
Dr. Rabiei is a unique faculty advisor. Her students often work with professionals outside of MAE, on and off campus and quite often with international groups. Her students tend to be motivated, have good reading and writing skills, and enjoy scientific exploration. Much of her work leads to new inventions. She is fond of pointing out that her students work in an environment of creation.
Outside of work, Dr. Rabiei enjoys her time with family and students.
- A Study on Welding of Porous Metals and Metallic Foams
- Rabiei, A., Cance, J., & Chacko, Z. (2024), Advanced Engineering Materials.
- An Interactive Fluid-Solid Approach for Numerical Modeling of Composite Metal Foam Behavior under Compression
- Kaushik, A., & Rabiei, A. (2024, October 8), ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATERIALS, Vol. 10.
- An Interactive Fluid–Solid Approach for Numerical Modeling of Composite Metal Foam Behavior under Compression
- Kaushik, A., & Rabiei, A. (2024), Advanced Engineering Materials.
- Characterization of 316L Stainless Steel Composite Metal Foam Joined by Solid-State Welding Technique
- Cance, J. M., & Rabiei, A. (2024), POROUS METALS AND METALLIC FOAMS, METFOAM 2023, Vol. 39, pp. 9–16.
- Effect of Density and Thickness of Steel–Steel Composite Metal Foam on Its Full‐Scale Torch Fire Response
- Amoafo‐Yeboah, N., & Rabiei, A. (2024), Advanced Engineering Materials.
- Study on diffusion bonding of composite metal foams
- Cance, J., & Rabiei, A. (2025), Journal of Advanced Joining Processes.
- Thermal Conductivity of Steel-Steel Composite Metal Foam through Computational Modeling
- Chacko, Z., & Rabiei, A. (2024), POROUS METALS AND METALLIC FOAMS, METFOAM 2023, Vol. 39, pp. 17–24.
- Thermal Emissivity and Heat Capacity of Composite Metal Foam
- Amoafo-Yeboah, N., & Rabiei, A. (2024), JOURNAL OF COMPOSITES SCIENCE, 8(6).
- A Study on Welding of Porous Metals and Metallic Foams
- Rabiei, A., Cance, J., & Chacko, Z. (2023, November 28), ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATERIALS, Vol. 11.
- A computational and experimental approach to evaluate thermal conductivity and diffusivity of steel composite metal foam
- Chacko, Z., Amoafo-Yeboah, N., Cance, J., & Rabiei, A. (2023, September 18), JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY, Vol. 9.
- MRI: Acquisition of a Large High-Temperature Vacuum Press for Advanced Materials Research, Manufacturing and Training at NC State University
- A New Light Weight Structural Material for Nuclear Structures
- A Novel Material with Improved Absorption of Collision Forces
- A Pilot Study on the Application of Composite Steel Foams as Armors
- General Scientific Infrastructure Support
- A Study on Dynamic Properties of Metal Foam Under High Speed Impacts for Armors Systems
- A Study on Radiation Properties of Cellular Structures
- Processing And Characterization Of Functionally Graded Coatings For Bio-Medical Implants
- Lightweight Metal Foams with Tailorable Structure and Properties
- CAREER: Processing and Development of a New Ultra-Light High-Strength Material