Andre Mazzoleni


Dr. Mazzoleni is interested in dynamics, vibrations, solid mechanics, nonlinear systems, astronautics, spacecraft design, biomechanics, power generation, and energy storage.  He is the Director of the Engineering Mechanics and Space Systems Laboratory (EMSSL) at NC State.

At the graduate level, Dr. Mazzoleni teaches Advanced Dynamics I (MAE 511), Advanced Dynamics II (MAE 789), and Space Exploration Systems (MAE 589 ). The advanced dynamics courses cover: rotating coordinate systems, Euler angles, Quaternions, three-dimensional kinematics and kinetics, angular momentum methods and analytical mechanics topics (e.g. Lagrange’s equations, Liapunov Stability). Examples are concentrated in the area of aerospace vehicles, but the methods learned will be applicable to land-based vehicles and any engineering system undergoing rigid body rotation, e.g. wind turbines, biomechanical systems, machine tools, robotic systems, etc. The Space Exploration Systems course covers basic orbital mechanics topics, as well as giving an introduction to all of the major systems involved with sending humans and robotic vehicles into space (e.g. propulsion systems, attitude controls systems, life support systems, etc.).  At the undergraduate level, Dr. Mazzoleni teaches the Space option of Aerospace Senior Design (MAE 478 and MAE 479), Introduction to Space Flight (MAE 467), and also teaches introductory courses in Engineering Mechanics (Dynamics, Solid Mechanics, etc.). Dr. Mazzoleni works closely with his graduate students, and starting from first principles, he instills in them an understanding of a practical problem-solving approach. His students are motivated and interested in dynamics, space exploration, energy generation, or biomedical engineering. Outside of work, Dr. Mazzoleni spends time with his family and enjoys hiking, fishing, basketball, and playing the piano.


Blade element momentum theory for a skewed coaxial turbine
Elfering, K., Metoyer, R., Chatterjee, P., Mazzoleni, A., Bryant, M., & Granlund, K. (2023), OCEAN ENGINEERING, 269.
Analytical wake model for coaxial dual-rotor turbines
Hassan, M., Bryant, M., Mazzoleni, A., Ramaprabhu, P., & Granlund, K. (2022), 2022 OCEANS HAMPTON ROADS.
Autonomous Closed-Loop Experimental Characterization and Dynamic Model Validation of a Scaled Underwater Kite
Abney, A., Reed, J., Naik, K., Bryant, S., Herbert, D., Leonard, Z., … Vermillion, C. (2022), JOURNAL OF DYNAMIC SYSTEMS MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME, 144(7).
Characterization of the Steady-State Operating Conditions of Tethered Coaxial Turbines
Williams, V. O., Bryant, S., Agrawal, S., Mazzoleni, A. P., Granlund, K., Ramaprabhu, P., & Bryant, M. (2022), 2022 OCEANS HAMPTON ROADS.
Closed-Loop-Flight-Based Combined Geometric and Structural Wing Design Optimization Framework for a Marine Hydrokinetic Energy Kite
Beknalkar, S., Naik, K., Vermillion, C., & Mazzoleni, A. (2022), 2022 OCEANS HAMPTON ROADS.
Demonstration of a Towed Coaxial Turbine Subscale Prototype for Hydrokinetic Energy Harvesting in Skew
Agrawal, S., Williams, V. O., Tong, X., Hassan, M., Muglia, M., Bryant, M., … Mazzoleni, A. P. (2022), 2022 OCEANS HAMPTON ROADS.
Finite element study of the impact of pedicle screw density on the biomechanical response of a Lenke 1AN scoliotic curve
Warren, J. M., Hey, L. A., & Mazzoleni, A. P. (2022), JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDICS, 32, 92–97.
Increased Energy Conversion with a Horizontal Axis Turbine in Translation
Metoyer, R., Bryant, M., Granlundt, K., & Mazzoleni, A. (2022), 2022 OCEANS HAMPTON ROADS.
Pareto Optimal and Dual-Objective Geometric and Structural Design of an Underwater Kite for Closed-Loop Flight Performance
Naik, K., Beknalkar, S., Reed, J., Mazzoleni, A., Fathy, H., & Vermillion, C. (2023), JOURNAL OF DYNAMIC SYSTEMS MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME, 145(1).
Aerodynamic Tethered Sails for Scientific Balloon Trajectory Control: Small-Scale Experimental Demonstration
Yoder, C. D., Agrawal, S., Motes, A. G., & Mazzoleni, A. P. (2021), JOURNAL OF AIRCRAFT, 58(5), 1010–1021.

View all publications via NC State Libraries


  • MAARCO - Multi-terrain Amphibious ARCtic ExplOrer
  • Device Design and Robust Periodic Motion Control of an Ocean Kite System for Hydrokinetic Energy Harvesting
  • NC State University-NC Space Grant Base Program
  • Trajectory Control for NASA Balloons
  • NC Space Grant Senior Design Proposal for High-Powered Rocketry Club
  • NC Space Grant Team Competition Proposal for High-Powered Rocketry Club
  • NASA competition-RASC-AL Special Edition: Mars Ice Drill Challenge
  • NC State University-NC Space Grant Base Program-Phase I, NASA Funding
  • Design and Development of Mars Exploration Strategies for Extreme Environments
  • NRA / Early Stage Innovation NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) (previous title: Enabling All-Access Mobility for Planetary Exploration Vehicles via Transformative Reconfiguration)
Andre Mazzoleni