Exploring Land, Ocean, Air and Space

Our faculty work on spacecraft, aircraft, watercraft and land vehicle design, and on topics such as propulsion and fluid dynamics in order to establish the basis for future transportation across land, water, air and space.


Dr. James Braun’s research interests include novel supersonic propulsion concepts for air breathing and aerospace
applications and power generation, through wind tunnel experiments and computational fluid dynamic simulations.


Dr. Bryant’s research focuses on innovative solutions for emerging technologies, particularly in autonomous vehicles for air, land, and sea. His team is developing aerodynamic control mechanisms to improve aircraft efficiency and multi-terrain robotic vehicles for Arctic exploration, aiding in understanding climate change.


Dr. Carter research focuses on aerodynamics, specifically experimental rotorcraft
aerodynamics. His research discovers ways to improve performance and
safety of rotary wing systems, which can be applied to both
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Wind Turbine Designs.


Dr. Chen studies experimental aerodynamics and rotor-wing interaction. His research aims to produce a better understanding of the performance and aero acoustic behaviors of rotor-wing interaction to help develop more efficient urban mobility vehicles.


Dr. Edwards studies hypersonics. His research leads to advancements in access to space, space travel and space commerce.


Dr. Ekkad studies experimental heat transfer methods, enhanced heat transfer for turbine blade cooling, advanced system diagnostics, energy harvesting, micro-channel heat exchangers, electronic cooling, and additive manufacturing design for thermal systems. His research contributes to the advancement of aerospace engineering.


Dr. Ewere studies science and technology at the intersection of aerodynamics, structural mechanics, energy and smart materials. He has worked on exploiting aeroelastic instabilities on piezoelectric structures for engineering applications.


Dr. Fang research includes thermal fluid science with a focus on multiphase fluid flow. He studies liquid spray and atomization along with high-pressure combustion to help develop low-carbon engines and power.

Kenneth Granlund

Dr. Granlund studies experimental fluid mechanics and applied aero/hydromechanics. He works to develop marine hydrokinetic turbines for alternative energy production.

Veeraraghava Raju Hasti

Dr. Hasti research focuses on the modeling and simulation of fluid flows, heat transfer, sprays, turbulent combustion, and emissions using physics-based and data-driven artificial intelligence (AI) approaches. The research work contributes to the advancement of energy and propulsion systems with reduced emissions, thereby enhancing sustainability and environmental impact.


Dr. Lee Research focuses on developing novel decision-making frameworks for dynamic systems and validating them in the real world. It spans optimal control, machine learning, and mathematics to ensure robustness to uncertainties, scalability for high-dimensional systems, and task-success guarantees.


Dr. Lee studies the interaction between lightweight structures and active materials to design intelligent structural systems for aerospace vehicles. His research in deployable and reconfigurable structures encompasses problems in nonlinear vibrations, elastic instabilities, control and sensing, and ultra-thin composites.  


Dr. Luo studies the development and application of innovative numerical methods and advanced computational techniques for computational fluid dynamics, which play an important role in the development, design and analysis of modern aeroplanes, high-speed trains, advanced ships/submarines, high-performance cars, new weapon systems and nuclear reactors.


Dr. Lyons studies many topics, including imaging measurement in combustion experiments, flow control for propulsion applications, industrial burner design, flame stabilization and spray combustion. His research leads to more benign methods of combustion and energy conversion.


Dr. Mazzoleni research focuses on dynamics and computational mechanics with multiple applications in several disciplines. His land exploration research focuses on autonomous rovers for exploring rugged and hazardous environments on Earth and other planetary bodies. His space research focuses on advanced propulsion devices and space tethers.


Dr. Narayanaswamy studies supersonic and hypersonic aerospace vehicle technology to enable commercial ultrafast mobility and space access. He works on an interdisciplinary research program that solves the bottlenecks in supersonic/hypersonic aerothermodynamics, propulsion, material integration and navigation.


Dr. Pankow studies the behavior of materials in extreme environments and works in manufacturing and design to make contributions to space travel. His work includes engineering large scale mirrors for space observations, and he studies how different materials behave in the environment of outer space.


Dr. Xu research focuses on manufacturing, ceramic materials, sensing and controls. Her research has many different applications, including developing an aeronautics spacesuit for Mars exploration.


Dr. Yeh studies unsteady aerodynamics, computational fluid dynamics and active flow control. He works to establish pathways to improve the operational safety and fuel efficiency of air and ground vehicles, which translates to reduced carbon emission and cleaner air.