MAE Seminar: Neelesh Patankar
EB3 2207Title: Equilibrium and non-equilibrium phase change near surfaces Abstract: Roughness-based superhydrophobic and superhydrophilic surfaces have been extensively studied for more than two decades. The early...
Title: Equilibrium and non-equilibrium phase change near surfaces Abstract: Roughness-based superhydrophobic and superhydrophilic surfaces have been extensively studied for more than two decades. The early...
Title: “Quantitative ultrasound in complex tissues: finding new sources of contrast” Abstract: Highly heterogeneous tissues such as lungs or bone break the fundamental assumptions at...
Title: Green Industrial HVAC Design Info: Industrial facilities present significant facility services design challenges. Resource consumption, usage, and discharge are significant. Project fundamentals are driven...
Title: Physically Intelligent Soft Machines Abstract: Different from neuron-based computational intelligence through the brain, physical intelligence leverages structural designs and smart materials to physically encode...
Title: Transforming the Future: Oak Ridge National Laboratory's Role in Decarbonizing the National Buildings Sector Abstract: This seminar will provide a comprehensive overview of Oak...
Title: Aeroacoustics and aerodynamics of quiet owl flight Abstract: Many owl species rely on specialized plumage to mitigate their aerodynamic noise and achieve functionally-silent flight...