About the Dr. Carl Zorowski Distinguished Lecture Series:
The Dr. Carl Zorowski Distinguished Lecture Series is dedicated to late MAE Department head, Reynolds Professor Emeritus, and 60-year veteran of the College of Engineering: Dr. Carl Zorowski.
Dr. Zorowski passed away April 5, 2021, and since then, his legacy as an invaluable educator and engineering professional at NC State has lived on through his students and through his many contributions to the MAE Department. Dr. Zorowski was an incredibly influential figure in the classroom, in the laboratory, in the halls of the College’s administration, and in the business community. His lifelong love of learning and innovation and his dedication to his students served as a shining example for faculty members in the College. Dr. Zorowski served as head of the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, as the College’s associate dean for academic affairs, and as co-founder and director of the Integrated Manufacturing Systems Engineering Institute (IMSEI), along with work as a consultant to industry.
To honor the amazing contributions of Dr. Zorowski and his years of service to the NC State College of Engineering, we are proud to host the Dr. Carl Zorowski Distinguished Lecture Series. This year, we are joined by Dr. Venkat Krovi from Clemson University as our Zorowski Distinguished Lecture speaker.
This Year’s Speaker:
Dr. Venkat N. Krovi is currently the Michelin Endowed SmartState Chair Professor of Vehicle Automation at Clemson University – International Center for Automotive Research. His research focuses on intelligent modulation of distributed physical-power-interactions (motions/forces) between humans and autonomous-systems to unlock the “power of the many.” Research activities focus on the life-cycle treatment (design, modeling, analysis, control, implementation and verification) of a new generation of Connected Autonomy Systems for realizing Human-Autonomy synergy in emerging automotive, plant-automation-, co-robotics, and defense applications. He has also taken significant leadership roles within multiple professional societies(IEEE/ASME/SAE) as well as supporting development of the 2020 US Robotics Roadmap. He currently serves as the Editor-in-Chief of the ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics.
Clemson’s Open Connected and Automated (OpenCAV) group of 15+ CECAS faculty is developing novel modular, open-architecture, open-interface, and open-source-software based research instruments spanning multiple scales and complexity. The overall effort is based at the International Center for Automotive Research (CU-ICAR) and made accessible to Clemson researchers (and the broader academic research community) via a service-center model to enable development and education in the rapidly developing autonomous vehicle field.
Ongoing research-activities across the group span various aspects of safety, sensing, controls, learning, resilience, security, privacy, human factors, and X-i-L (software-, model-, component-, subsystem- and vehicle-in-the-Loop) verification and validation. This talk will provide a high-level overview of the overall program while focusing the discussions around (a) Simulation- based-Design (SBD) of hardware (e.g. sensor-suites) and software (e.g. algorithms) for a range of Connected and Automated Vehicle (CAV) applications; and (b) Physical real- time hardware-in-the-loop validation on 1/10th & full-scale vehicles retrofitted with perception, connectivity, computation, and drive-by- wire control modules.