Fundamentals and Processing of Heterostructured Materials
Heterostructured (HS) materials are found to possess unprecedented strength and ductility that are not accessible to their homogeneous counterparts. These superior mechanical properties are often not explainable using our textbook knowledge. In recent years, heterostructured materials has quickly become a major materials research field with many distinguished research groups actively work on it in China, US, Japan, Korea, Germany, Australia, etc. The biggest advantage of HS materials is their production using current industrial facilities at low cost, which paves the way for their large-scale commercial applications. Various processing strategies have been reported to successfully process heterostructured materials. Some of these processing methods can be easily carried out in existing metal processing facilities in universities and research institutes. In this talk I’ll present the fundamentals of heterostructured materials as well as some selected processing techniques and deliberate on their advantages and limitations.
Yuntian Zhu joined the City University of Hong Kong in 2020 as a Chair Professor, before which he was a Distinguished Professor in North Carolina State University, where he worked from 2007 to 2020. He worked as a postdoc, staff member and team leader in Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) until 2007 after obtaining his Ph.D. degree from the University of Texas at Austin in 1994. In recent years he has focused on the deformation mechanisms at dislocation level and mechanical behaviors of heterostructured materials and nano/ultrafine-grained materials. He is an experimentalist with a primary interest in fundamental aspects of materials research and also in designing materials with superior strength and ductility. He and his colleagues are pioneers of the emerging field of heterostructured materials. He recently received the Institute of Metals Lecture and Robert Franklin Mehl Award , ASM International Albert Sauveur Award, IUMRS Sômiya Award, TMS SMD Distinguished Scientist/Engineer Award, and TMS Leadership Award. He has been elected to the Academia Europaea, National Academy of Inventors (US), as well as Fellows of five academic societies: TMS, MRS, APS, ASM, and AAAS. More information can be found in his personal website: http://www.hsm-lab.com/