Recent Progress on Plasma Assisted Ammonia Combustion
As a carbon-free fuel, ammonia combustion has drawn significant research attention. However, there are several outstanding challenges to use ammonia as a fuel for power generation and transportation, such as its low flame propagation speed, difficulty on ignition and extremely high NOx emission. One promising technique to enhance ammonia combustion and reduce its emission is non-equilibrium plasma. In this presentation, recent work on plasma assisted ammonia combustion will be discussed. Mechanisms on combustion enhancement and emission reduction are analyzed based on both experimental and numerical results.
Dr. Wenting Sun is currently an associate professor of Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Aerospace Engineering. He received his B.E/M.E degrees from Tsinghua University, Department of Engineering Physics in 2005 and 2007, respectively, and Ph.D degree from Princeton University, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering in 2013. His current research focuses on combustion kinetics and plasma-assisted combustion. He has been awarded the Bernard Lewis Fellowship from the Combustion Institute, Distinguished Paper Award at the 33rd International Symposium on Combustion and the Fourth Irvin Glassman Young Investigator Award in 2018. He is a 2016 Air Force Office of Scientific Research Young Investigator Program Awardee. He also received the 2023 Tsuji Award from the Combustion Institute.