I will present research activities in my group in the Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering (CCEE) on various mechanics and materials topics. Our primary research objectives are to investigate failure mechanisms of materials and components and develop or enhance mechanical design methodologies. The first research project I will present involved experimental and analytical activities to understand elevated temperature failure mechanisms of compact heat exchangers (CHX). Based on the research outcomes we are developing analysis methodologies and ASME Code provisions for the CHX to be applied to nuclear power service for the next-generation nuclear power plants. The second research project that I will present is the development of a multiaxial miniature test system (MMTS) to perform in-situ testing of 1-2 mm tubular or flat specimens within a scanning electron microscope. We developed the MMTS from scratch to perform multiaxial testing of miniature tubular specimens under axial and torsional loading cycles at elevated temperatures within the existing Hitachi SEM at AIF. Recently, through a DOE equipment grant, we acquired another Hitachi SEM (SU3900) to perform long-term in-situ testing using the MMTS. Finally, I will present my research activities on constitutive modeling for simulation of various low-cycle fatigue responses of steels and alloys. I will also present the lab facilities that we have in FWH 1121, and discuss various cooperation opportunities in performing research in mechanics and materials.
Tasnim Hassan joined the CCEE Department in 1995 after receiving his Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin. His research involves experimentation and simulation modeling for investigating low-cycle fatigue failure of various steels and alloys, and their components exposed to elevated high temperatures. He has performed research on sensor development, health monitoring, welded joints, and steel and concrete structures subjected to extreme earthquakes. He teaches undergraduate and graduate courses on strength of materials.