Educating Tomorrow’s Engineers

We develop and apply best practices in engineering education so our classes provide the experiences new engineers need to integrate fundamental concepts and apply them to solve the world’s challenging engineering problems.


Dr. Berg researches rocket propulsion, energetics, plasma chemistry, spacecraft design, and spacecraft environmental interactions. He works to educate future engineers in the advancement of space explorations.


Dr. Ewere centers his educational research around engineering design education, developing better-equipped graduates for the workforce, bridging the core competencies gap and improving diversity and collaboration within disciplines.


Dr. Ferguson studies product and system design with an interest in engineering products’ applications within society. He works to understand and help future engineers understand these applications and consider them in the engineering of the future.

Anna Howard


Dr. Howard focuses on engineering education and centers her research on using technology to increase learning in large-enrollment introductory classes. She promotes learning through technology and through one’s community to help train the engineers of the future.


Dr. Moore centers her research on undergraduate education. She works to measure the effectiveness of various teaching methods and develop new methods for training tomorrow’s engineers.


Dr. Saul works to implement educational systems to train the engineers of the future. She explores how interconnected adaptive learning materials can support learning in introductory engineering mechanics course sequences, and develops processes and faculty development materials to support rapid adoption of adaptive learning across the UNC System.


Cheryl Tran’s focus is the development of online academic advising resources and tools for undergraduates. She believes our students gain more confidence and independence when they are equipped with the proper information and tools to plan their academic journey.


Dr. Tran studies how courses transition students to the working world. He teams with a variety of industry sponsors and searches for the modifications in courses that keep them trending with current technologies.


Dr. Zadeh research focuses on enhancing educational systems and faculty development to improve teaching effectiveness and student learning outcomes. She is interested in investigating innovative teaching methods, evaluating the impact of technology on learning, and exploring strategies for fostering student engagement and motivation.