There is an opportunity to do undergraduate research in this Summer and earn money for your efforts. The expected pay should be around $6,000. However, the exact pay may depend on the total number of students selected for the program. If you are interested to be considered for the program, please send the following information to Dr. Andre Kuznetsov (
1. Your GPA (please list both your major GPA and your overall GPA)
2. Your class standing (sophomore, junior or senior) and your major.
3. Your ability to edit and proofread scholarly manuscripts (your English skills must be good; I would need help with editing papers, including papers written by my international collaborators).
4. Your skills with respect to Photoshop or any other graphing software (PowerPoint would be fine if you are good with it). I will need help with preparing figures for proposals and papers.
5. Your knowledge of Matlab.
6. Any other skills that may be useful in a computational research project.
Please also attach your resume and list relevant course work.
Please note that minimum 3.2 GPA is required to participate in the program.