NC Space Grant is pleased to announce that 3 opportunities are now open for students across North Carolina. These are competitive opportunities that require online applications and undergo a review process. Please be aware that these opportunities are open to students at any accredited university or college in the State of North Carolina. Please also be aware that this year there is a very tight deadline – all student applications are due on Monday, April 15th and all faculty recommendations are due on Wednesday, April 17th. See links below for more information about each opportunity.
1. Graduate Research Fellowships: The NC Space Grant Graduate Research Fellowship Program provides add-on support for graduate students to supplement and enhance basic research support. The Graduate Research Fellowship Program requires that students participate in an active, identified research activity in STEM that has aerospace and NASA applications. The research must be supervised by a faculty mentor and may be conducted on the home campus or at an industrial or government facility. The research activity should be continuous and conducted during summer 2019 (defined as a minimum of 10 weeks).
2. Undergraduate Research Scholarships: Undergraduate Research Scholarships engage the future STEM workforce in basic and/or applied aerospace-related research projects and facilitate the development of mentor relationships between students, faculty and the NASA community. The Undergraduate Research Scholarship Program requires that students participate in an active, identified research activity in STEM that has aerospace and NASA applications. The research must be supervised by a faculty mentor and may be conducted on the home campus or at an industrial or government facility. The research activity should be continuous and conducted during summer 2019 (defined as a minimum of 10 weeks) OR during the 2019-20 Academic Year (Fall 2019/Spring 2020).
3. Internship in the Astronomy and Astrophysics Lab at the Museum of Natural Science in Raleigh: The Astronomy & Astrophysics Research Lab is a publicly visible research laboratory where museum visitors can see astronomers at work, visualizations of their research, current space mission and science highlights, and state-of-the-art “ fly throughs” of the solar system, and beyond.
Please contact Ms. Jobi Cook, Assistant Director, NC Space Grant with any specific questions about these opportunities or the applications process.