Journal Publications

160-S.M. Rahman, S. Rahman, H.V. Tafreshi, and B. Pourdeyhimi, CFD-DEM Simulation of Air-Assisted Electrospinning, Chemical Engineering Journal (under review 2024)

159-N. Bhatta, S. Gautam, A. Kumar, H.V. Tafreshi, and B. Pourdeyhimi, Novel Method to Simulate Collection Efficiency and Pressure drop of Coalescing Filters, Journal of Aerosol Science (under review 2024)

158-S. Atri, A. Kumar, H.V. Tafreshi, and B. Pourdeyhimi, A New Approach to Model Fibrous Media with Bimodal Fiber Diameter Distributions, Chemical Engineering Science (under review 2024)

157-S. Gautam, N. Bhatta, H.V. Tafreshi, and B. Pourdeyhimi, MATLAB Implementation of Pore Morphology Method for Modeling Liquid Residue in Porous Media with Heterogenous Wettabilities, Computer Physics Communications (under review 2024)

156-A. Kumar, S. Gautam, N. Bhatta, H.V. Tafreshi, and B. Pourdeyhimi, Electrostatic Interactions between Liquid Aerosols and Charged Fibers, Soft Matter (under review 2024)

155-N. Bhatta, S. Gautam, H.V. Tafreshi, and B. Pourdeyhimi, On the Accuracy of Pore Morphology Method in Modeling Fluid Saturation in 3-D Fibrous Media, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research (in press 2024)

154-A. Kumar, S. Gautam, S. Atri, H.V. Tafreshi, and B. Pourdeyhimi, Competing Electrostatic Fields in Particle-Loaded Electret Filters, Journal of Aerosol Science 181, 106426 (2024)

153-S.M. Rahman, S. Gautam, H.V. Tafreshi, and B. Pourdeyhimi, The Role of 3-D Electrostatic Field in Modeling the Electrospinning, Journal of Applied Physics 135, 014701 (2024)

152-S. Gautam, A. Kumar, H.V. Tafreshi, and B. Pourdeyhimi, Designing Multi-Layer Electret Filters via Numerical Simulation, Chemical Engineering Science 286, 119680 (2024)

151-S. Raza, J. He, H.V. Tafreshi, J. Liu, Corrigendum to Molecular dynamics simulation of steady-state droplet condensation on a fiber in direct contact membrane distillation settings, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 393, 123525 (2024)

150-S. Gautam, A. Kumar, H.V. Tafreshi, B. Pourdeyhimi, A simple approach to simulate corona-charged electret filters, Journal of Aerosol Science, 176, 106293 (2024) 

149-N. Bhatta, H.V. Tafreshi, and B. Pourdeyhimi, Toward Formulating Coalescence Filtration: Characterizing Wetting Saturation via Centrifugal Force, International Journal of Multiphase Flow 170, 104641 (2024)

148-S. Atri, A. Kumar, S. Gautam, H.V. Tafreshi, and B. Pourdeyhimi, Microscale Modelling of Electret Filters using Disordered 2-D Domains, Powder Technology 431, 119094 (2024)

147-A. Kumar, S. Gautam, S. Atri, H.V. Tafreshi, and B. Pourdeyhimi, Importance of Dipole Orientation in Electrostatic Aerosol Filtration, Langmuir 39, 17653 (2023)

146-Y.X. Liu, F.J. Chapparo, Z. Tian, Y. Jia, G.J. Gaumer, L. Ross, H.V. Tafreshi, J. J. Lannutti, Visualization of Porosity and Pore Size Gradients in Electrospun Scaffolds using Laser Metrology, PLOSONE 18(3), e0282903 (2023)

145-S. Gautam, A.M. Saleh, H.V. Tafreshi, J.G. Radney, and B. Pourdeyhimi, Macroscale Simulation of Particle Loading in Electrostatically Charged Filters, Journal of Aerosol Science 173, 106212 (2023) 

144-M. Jamali, S. Atri, S. Gautam, A.M. Saleh, H.V. Tafreshi and B. Pourdeyhimi, Macroscale Modeling of Electrostatically Charged Face Masks, Aerosol Science and Technology 57, 7, 700 (2023)

143-S. Raza, J. He, H.V. Tafreshi, J. Liu, Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Steady-State Droplet Condensation on a Fiber in Direct Contact Membrane Distillation Settings, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 368, 120736 (2022)

142-S.M. Rahman, H.V. Tafreshi, B. Pourdeyhimi, Physics-Based Deep Neural Network Model to Guide Electrospinning Polyurethane Fibers, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 139, 53108 (2022)

141-M. Jamali and H.V. Tafreshi, Numerical Simulation of Two-Phase Droplets on a Curved Surface Using Surface Evolver, Colloids and Surfaces A 629, 127418 (2021)

140-M. Jamali and H.V. Tafreshi, Studying Droplet Adhesion Using the Magnetic Force: A Review Paper, Experiments in Fluids 62, 161 (2021)

139-M. Jamali, K. Mehta, H. Holweger, M.M. Amrei, and H.V. Tafreshi, Controlling Detachment Residue via Magnetic Repulsion Force, Applied Physics Letters 118, 191601 (2021)

138-H. Holweger, M. Jamali, and H.V. Tafreshi, Centrifugal Detachment of Compound Droplets from Fibers, Langmuir 37, 928−938 (2021)

137-B. Pourdeyhimi, S. Schick, R. Groten, H.V. Tafreshi, Respiratory Effectiveness of Cloth Masks, Journal of Science and Medicine 2, 4 (2020)

136-H. Abdelrazeq, M. Khraisheh, F. Almomani, J.T. McLeskey, M.K. Hassan, M. Gad-el-Hak, H.V. Tafreshi, Performance of electrospun polystyrene membranes in synthetic produced industrial water using direct-contact membrane distillation, Desalination 493, 114663 (2020)

135-M. Jamali and H. V. Tafreshi, Measuring Force of Droplet Detachment from Hydrophobic Surfaces via Partial Cloaking with Ferrofluids, Langmuir 36, 22. 6116 (2020)

134-R.J.A. Esteves, V. Gornick, D. S. Alqurwani, J. K. Lovejoy, H. Abdelrazeq, M. Khraisheh, A.V. Forzano, M. Gad-el-Hak, H.V. Tafreshi, J.T. McLeskey, Activated carbon-doped polystyrene fibers for direct contact membrane desalination, Emergent Materials, (2020)

133-S.H. Yousefi and H.V. Tafreshi, Novel Approach to Model Microstructure of Dust-Deposits Comprised of Polydisperse Particles of Arbitrary Shapes, Separation and Purification Technology 244, 116844 (2020)

132-A. Moghadam and H.V. Tafreshi, On Liquid Bridge Adhesion to Fibrous Surfaces under Normal and Shear Forces, Colloids and Surfaces A 589, 124473 (2020)

131-S.H. Yousefi and H.V. Tafreshi, Modeling Electrospun Fibrous Structures with Embedded Spacer Particles: Application to Aerosol Filtration, Separation and Purification Technology, 235, 116184 (2020)

130-M. Jamali, H.V. Tafreshi, and B. Pourdeyhimi, Easy-To-Use Correlations to Estimate Droplet Mobility on Hydrophobic Fibrous Coatings, Colloids and Surfaces A 582, 123867 (2019)

129-H. Aziz and H.V. Tafreshi, Competing Forces on a Liquid Bridge between Parallel and Orthogonal Dissimilar Fibers, Soft Matter 15, 6967 (2019)

128-S.H. Yousefi, C. Tang, H.V. Tafreshi, and B. Pourdeyhimi, Empirical model to simulate morphology of electrospun polycaprolactone mats, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, (2019) DOI: 10.1002/APP.48242

127-N. Farhan and H.V. Tafreshi Using Magnetic Field to Measuring Detachment Force between a Nonmagnetic Droplet and Fibers, Langmuir 35, 8490−8499 (2019)

126-N. Farhan, H. Aziz, and H.V. Tafreshi, Simple Method to Measuring Intrinsic Contact Angle of A Fiber with Liquids, Experiments in Fluids 60, 87 (2019)

125-M. Jamali, H.V. Tafreshi, and B. Pourdeyhimi, Formulating Droplet Penetration in Thin Hydrophobic Fibrous Materials, Journal of Applied Physics 125, 145304 (2019)

124-A. Moghadam, S. H. Yousefi, H. V. Tafreshi, and B. Pourdeyhimi, Characterizing Nonwoven Materials via Realistic Microstructural Modeling, Separation and Purification Technology, 211, 602 (2019)

123-S. H. Yousefi, D.G. Venkateshan, C. Tang, H.V. Tafreshi, and B. Pourdeyhimi, Modeling Effects of Electrospinning Conditions on Thickness and Porosity of Electrospun Polystyrene Mats, Journal of Applied Physics 124, 235307 (2018)

122-H. Aziz, N. Farhan, and H.V. Tafreshi, Effects of fiber wettability and size on droplet detachment residue, Experiment in Fluids 59, 122 (2018)

121-N. Farhan and H.V. Tafreshi, Predictive Correlations for Droplet–Fiber Detachment Force, Journal of Applied Physics 124, 075301 (2018)

120-N. Ojaghlou, H.V. Tafreshi, D. Bratko, A. Luzar, Dynamical Insights into the Mechanism of a Droplet Detachment from a Fiber, Soft Matter 14, 8924 (2018)

119-M. Jamali, H.V. Tafreshi, and B. Pourdeyhimi, Droplet Mobility on Hydrophobic Fibrous Coatings Comprised of Orthogonal Fibers, Langmuir, 34, 12488 (2018)

118-A.A. Hemeda, R.J.A. Esteves, J.T. McLeskey, M. Gad-el-Hak, M. Khraisheh, and H.V. Tafreshi, Molecular Dynamic Simulations of Fibrous Distillation Membranes, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 98, 304 (2018)

117-A. Moghadam, M. Jamali, D.G. Venkateshan, H. V. Tafreshi, and B. Pourdeyhimi, A New Approach to Modeling Liquid Intrusion in Hydrophobic Fibrous Membranes with Heterogeneous Wettabilities, Colloids and Surfaces A 558, 154 (2018)

116-M. Jamali, A. Moghadam, H.V. Tafreshi, and B. Pourdeyhimi, Droplet Adhesion to Hydrophobic Fibrous Surfaces, Applied Surface Science, 456, 626 (2018)

115-M. Davoudi, M.M. Amrei, H.V. Tafreshi, G.G. Chase, Measurement of inflection angle and correlation of shape factor of barrel-shaped droplets on horizontal fibers, Separation and Purification Technology 204, 127 (2018)

114-R. Ullah, M. Khraisheh, R.J. Esteves, J.T. McLeskey, M. AlGhouti, M. Gad-el-Hak, H.V. Tafreshi, Energy Efficiency of Direct Contact Membrane Distillation, Desalination 433, 56 (2018)

113-D.G. Venkateshan and H.V. Tafreshi, Modelling Droplet Sliding Angle on Hydrophobic Wire Screens, Colloids and Surfaces A 538, 310 (2018)

112-H. Aziz and H.V. Tafreshi, Role of particles spatial distribution in drag reduction performance of superhydrophobic granular coatings, International Journal of Multiphase Flow 98, 128 (2018)

111-M.M. Amrei, M. Davoudi, G.G. Chase, and H.V. Tafreshi, Effects of roughness on droplet apparent contact angles on a fiber, Separation and Purification Technology 180, 107 (2017)

110-H. Aziz, M.M. Amrei, C. Tang, and H.V. Tafreshi, Modeling Cassie Droplets on Superhydrophobic Coatings with Orthogonal Fibrous Structures, Colloids and Surfaces A 512, 61 (2017)

109-M.M. Amrei, D.G. Venkateshan, J. Atulasimha, and H.V. Tafreshi, Novel Approach to Measuring Droplet Detachment Force from Fibers, Langmuir 32, 13333 (2016)

108-D.G. Venkateshan, M.M. Amrei, A. Hemeda Z. Cullingsworth, J. Corbett, and H.V. Tafreshi, Failure Pressures and Drag Reduction Benefits of Superhydrophobic Wire Screens, Colloids and Surfaces A 511, 247 (2016)

107-B.M. Dodd, H.V. Tafreshi, and G.C. Tepper, Flow-Enhanced Kinetics of Uranyl (UO2) Transport into Nano-porous Silica Gel, Materials and Design 106, 330 (2016)

106-A.A. Hemeda, M.M. Amrei, and H.V. Tafreshi, Analytical Formulations for Critical Pressure of Submerged Superhydrophobic Surface Comprised of Polygonal Pores or Posts, Journal of Applied Physics 119 (17) (2016)

105-A.A. Hemeda and H.V. Tafreshi, Liquid–Infused Surfaces with Trapped Air (LISTA) for Drag Force Reduction, Langmuir 32, 2955 (2016)

104-D.G. Venkateshan, M.A. Tahir, H.V. Tafreshi, and B. Pourdeyhimi, Modeling Effects of Fiber Rigidity on Thickness and Porosity of Virtual Electrospun Mats, Materials and Design 96, 27 (2016)

103-A.M. Saleh, H.V. Tafreshi, and B. Pourdeyhimi, An Analytical Approach to Predict Pressure Drop and Collection Efficiency of Dust-Load Pleated Filters, Separation and Purification Technology 161, 80 (2016)

102-A.M. Saleh, H.V. Tafreshi, and B. Pourdeyhimi, Service Life of Circular Pleated Filters vs. that of their Flat Counterparts, Separation and Purification Technology 156, 881(2015)

101-A. Hemeda and H.V. Tafreshi, Instantaneous Slip-Length in Superhydrophobic Microchannels: Grooves with Dissimilar Walls or Arbitrary Wall Curvatures, Physics of Fluids 27, 102101 (2015)

100-T.M. Bucher, M.M. Amrei, H.V. Tafreshi, Effect of Wetting Heterogeneity on Capillarity of Superhydrophobic Coatings with Orthogonally Layered Fibers, Surface and Coatings Technology 277, 117 (2015)

99-A.M. Saleh and H.V. Tafreshi, Effects of Fibers Cross-Sectional Shape on Performance of Dust Loaded Filters, Separation and Purification Technology 149, 295 (2015)

98-M.M. Amrei and H.V. Tafreshi, Effects of Hydrostatic Pressure on Wetted Area of Submerged Superhydrophobic Granular Coatings. Part II: Poly-Dispersed Coatings, Colloids and Surfaces A 481, 547 (2015)

97-M.M. Amrei and H.V. Tafreshi, Effects of Hydrostatic Pressure on Wetted Area of Submerged Superhydrophobic Granular Coatings. Part I: Mono-Dispersed Coatings, Colloids and Surfaces A 465, 87 (2015)

96-A.M. Saleh and H.V. Tafreshi, A Simple Semi-Analytical Model for Predicting the Service Life of Pleated Aerosol Filters, Separation and Purification Technology 137, 94 (2014)

95-A. Hemeda and H.V. Tafreshi, General Formulations for Predicting Longevity of Submerged Superhydrophobic Surfaces Comprised of Pores or Posts, Langmuir 30, 10317 (2014)

94-T.M. Bucher, H.V. Tafreshi, Modeling Air–Water Interface in Disordered Fibrous Media with Heterogeneous Wettabilities, Colloids and Surfaces A 461, 323 (2014)

93-A. Hemeda, M. Gad-el-Hak, and H.V. Tafreshi, Longevity of Submerged Superhydrophobic Surfaces Made of Grooves with Hierarchical Fins, Physics of Fluids 26, 082103 (2014)

92-M.A. Saleh, S. Fotovati, H.V. Tafreshi, and B. Pourdeyhimi, 3-D Modeling of Surface and Depth Particle-Loading in Pleated Filters, Powder Technology 266, 79 (2014)

91-R. Arambakam, H.V. Tafreshi, and B. Pourdeyhimi, Modeling Performance of Multi-Component Fibrous Insulations against Conductive and Radiative Heat Transfer, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 71, 341–348 (2014)

90-C.A. Barth, M.A. Samaha, H.V. Tafreshi, and M. Gad-el-Hak, Convective Air Mass Transfer in Submerged Superhydrophobic Surfaces: Turbulent Flow, International Journal of Flow Control 5(3-4) 143 (2013)

89-C.A. Barth, M.A. Samaha, H.V. Tafreshi, and M. Gad-el-Hak, Convective Air Mass Transfer in Submerged Superhydrophobic Surfaces, International Journal of Flow Control 5(2), 79 (2013)

88-T.M. Bucher, H.V. Tafreshi, and G.C. Tepper, Modeling Filtration Performance of Nanofiber Coatings with Orthogonal Fiber Orientations, Powder Technology 249, 43 (2013)

87-B. Emami, A. Hemeda, M.M. Amrei, A. Luzar, M. Gad-el-Hak, and H.V. Tafreshi, Modeling Longevity of Submerged Superhydrophobic Surfaces Made up of Parallel Grooves, Physics of Fluids 25, 062108 (2013)

86-T.M. Bucher and H.V. Tafreshi, On Applications and Limitations of One-Dimensional Capillarity Formulations for Media with Heterogeneous Wettability, Applied Physics Letters 102, 241606 (2013)

85-A.M. Saleh, S.A. Hosseini, and H.V. Tafreshi, and B. Pourdeyhimi, 3-D Microscale Simulation of Dust-Loading in Thin Flat-Sheet Filters: A Comparison with 1-D Macroscale Simulations, Chemical Engineering Science 99, 284 (2013)

84-R. Arambakam, H.V. Tafreshi, and B. Pourdeyhimi, Dual-Scale 3-D Approach for Modeling Radiative Heat Transfer in Fibrous Insulations, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 64, 1109 (2013)

83-B. Emami, S. Fotovati, M.M. Amrei and H.V. Tafreshi, Effects of Fiber Orientation on Permeability of Fibrous Media to Power-Law Fluids, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 60, 375 (2013)

82-M.A. Samaha, H.V. Tafreshi, and M. Gad-el-Hak, Novel Method to Characterize Superhydrophobic Coatings, Journal of Colloids and Interface Science 395, 315 (2013)

81-R. Arambakam, H.V. Tafreshi, and B. Pourdeyhimi, A Simple Simulation Method for Designing Fibrous Insulation Materials, Materials & Design 44, 99 (2013)

80-M.A. Samaha, H.V. Tafreshi, and M. Gad-el-Hak, Sustainability of Superhydrophobicity under Pressure, Physics of Fluids 24, 112103 (2012)

79-S. Fotovati, H.V. Tafreshi, and B. Pourdeyhimi, Unsteady–State Modeling of Depth Deposition in Pleated Aerosol Filters, Separation and Purification Technology 98, 344 (2012)

78-R. Arambakam, H.V. Tafreshi, and B. Pourdeyhimi, An Analytical Monte Carlo Simulation of Radiative Heat through 3-D Fiberglass Insulation Media, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55, 7234 (2012)

77-S.A. Hosseini and H.V. Tafreshi, Modeling Particle-Loaded Single Fiber Efficiency and Fiber Drag using Fluent CFD Code, Computers and Fluids 66, 175 (2012)

76-M.A. Samaha, H.V. Tafreshi, and M. Gad-el-Hak, Influence of Flow on Longevity of Superhydrophobic Coatings, Langmuir 28, 9759 (2012)

75-B. Emami and H.V. Tafreshi, Optimizing Fiber Cross-Sectional Shape for Improving Stability of Air–Water Interface over Superhydrophobic Fibrous Coatings, Applied Physics Letters 100, 193104 (2012)

74-M.A. Samaha, H.V. Tafreshi, and M. Gad-el-Hak, Effects of Hydrostatic Pressures on Drag-Reduction Performance of Submerged Aerogel Particle Coatings, Colloids and Surfaces A 399, 62 (2012)

73-T.M. Bucher, B. Emami, H.V. Tafreshi, M. Gad-el-Hak, and G.C. Tepper, Modeling Resistance of Nanofibrous Superhydrophobic Coatings to Hydrostatic Pressure: Role Microstructure, Physics of Fluids 24, 2, 022109 (2012)

72-B. Emami, H.V. Tafreshi, M. Gad-el-Hak, and G.C. Tepper, Predicting Shape and Stability of Air–Water Interface on Submerged Thin Electrospun Superhydrophobic Coatings, Journal of Applied Physics 111, 064325 (2012)

71-B. Emami, H.V. Tafreshi, M. Gad-el-Hak, and G.C. Tepper, Predicting Shape and Stability of Air–Water Interface on Superhydrophobic Surfaces Comprised of Pores with Arbitrary Shapes, Applied Physics Letters 100, 013104 (2012)

70-M. Mital and H.V. Tafreshi, A Methodology for Determining Optimal Thermal Damage in Magnetic Nanoparticle Hyperthermia Cancer Treatment, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering 28, 2, 205 (2012)

69-F. Ochanda, M.A. Samaha, H.V. Tafreshi, G.C. Tepper, and M. Gad-el-Hak, Effects of Salinity on Drag Reduction and Longevity of Superhydrophobic Fiber Coatings, Journal of Applied Polymer Science 123, 1112 (2012)

68-F. Ochanda, M.A. Samaha, H.V. Tafreshi, G.C. Tepper, and M. Gad-el-Hak Fabrication of Superhydrophobic Fiber Coatings by DC-Biased AC-Electrospinning, Journal of Applied Polymer Science 123, 1112 (2012)

67-M.A. Samaha, H.V. Tafreshi, and M. Gad-el-Hak, Superhydrophobic Surfaces: From the Lotus Leaf to the Submarine, Comptes Rendus Mecanique 340, 18 (2012)

66-S.A. Hosseini and H.V. Tafreshi, On the Importance of Fibers’ Cross-Sectional Shape for Air Filters Operating in the Slip Flow Regime, Powder Technology 212, 425 (2011)

65-S. Fotovati, S.A. Hosseini, H.V. Tafreshi, and B. Pourdeyhimi, Modeling Instantaneous Pressure Drop of Pleated Thin Filter Media during Dust Loading, Chemical Engineering Science 66, 4036 (2011)

64-B. Emami, T.M. Bucher, H.V. Tafreshi, D. Pestov, M. Gad-el-Hak, and G.C. Tepper, Simulation of Meniscus Stability in Superhydrophobic Granular Surfaces under Hydrostatic Pressures, Colloids and Surfaces A 385, 95 (2011)

63-A. Ashari, T.M. Bucher, and H.V. Tafreshi, Modeling Motion-Induced Fluid Release from Partially-Saturated Fibrous Media onto Surfaces with Different Hydrophilicity, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 32, 1076 (2011)

62-B. Emami, H.V. Tafreshi, M. Gad-el-Hak, and G.C. Tepper, Predicting Shape and Stability of Air–Water Interface on Superhydrophobic Surfaces with Randomly Distributed, Dissimilar Posts, Applied Physics Letters 98, 20, 203106 (2011)

61-M.A. Samaha, F. Ochanda, H.V. Tafreshi, G.C. Tepper, and M. Gad-el-Hak, In-Situ Non-Invasive Characterization of Superhydrophobic Coatings, Review of Scientific Instruments 82, 4, 045109 (2011)

60-R. Arambakam, S.A. Hosseini, H.V. Tafreshi, and B. Pourdeyhimi, A Monte Carlo Simulation of Radiative Heat through Fibrous Media: Effects of Boundary Conditions and Microstructural Parameters, International Journal of Thermal Sciences 50, 935 (2011)

59-M.A. Samaha, H.V. Tafreshi, and M. Gad-el-Hak, Modeling Drag Reduction and Meniscus Stability of Superhydrophobic Surfaces Comprised of Random Roughness, Physics of Fluids 23, 012001 (2011)

58-S. Fotovati, H.V. Tafreshi, and B. Pourdeyhimi, Analytical Expressions for Predicting Collection Efficiency and Pressure Drop of Fibrous Media with Trilobal Fibers, Journal of Hazardous Materials 186, 1503 (2011)

57-A. Ashari, M. Bucher, and H.V. Tafreshi, A Semi-Analytical Model for Simulating Fluid Transport in Multi-Layered Fibrous Sheets Made up of Solid and Porous Fibers, Computational Materials Science 50, 378-390 (2010)

56-S. Fotovati, H.V. Tafreshi, and B. Pourdeyhimi, Influence of Fiber Orientation Distribution on Collection Efficiency of Fibrous Filters, Chemical Engineering Science 65, 5285-5293 (2010)

55-M.A. Tahir, H.V. Tafreshi, and B. Pourdeyhimi, Modeling the Role of Microstructural Parameters in Radiative Heat Transfer through Disordered Fibrous Media, International Journal of Heat & Mass Transfer 53, 4629-4637 (2010)

54-S.A. Hosseini and H.V. Tafreshi, Modeling Particle Filtration in 2-D Disordered Domains: A Comparison with Cell Models, Separation and Purification Technology 74, 160-169 (2010)

53-S.A. Hosseini and H.V. Tafreshi, 3-D Simulation of Particle Filtration in Electrospun Nanofibrous Filters, Powder Technology 201, 153-160 (2010)

52-S. Fotovati, H.V. Tafreshi, A. Ashari, S.A. Hosseini, and B. Pourdeyhimi, Analytical Expressions for Predicting Capture Efficiency of Bimodal Fibrous Filters, Journal of Aerosol Science 41, 295 (2010)

51-A. Ashari, T.M. Bucher, H.V. Tafreshi, M. A. Tahir, and M.S.A. Rahman, Modeling Fluid Spread in Thin Fibrous Sheets: Effects of Fiber Orientation, International Journal of Heat & Mass Transfer 53, 1750 (2010)

50-S.A. Hosseini and H.V. Tafreshi, Modeling Permeability of 3-D Nanofiber Media: Effects of Slip Flow, Chemical Engineering Science 65, 2249 (2010)

49-M.A. Tahir and H.V. Tafreshi, Influence of Fiber Orientation on the Transverse Permeability of Fibrous Media, Physics of Fluids 21, 083604 (2009)

48-A. Ashari and H.V. Tafreshi, General Capillary Pressure and Relative Permeability Expressions for Through-Plane Fluid Transport in Thin Fibrous Sheets, Colloids and Surfaces A 346, 114 (2009)

47-A. Ashari and H.V. Tafreshi, A Two-Scale Modeling of Motion-Induced Fluid release from Thin Fibrous Porous Media, Chemical Engineering Science 64, 2067 (2009)

46-S. Jaganathan, H.V. Tafreshi, and B. Pourdeyhimi, A Realistic Modeling of Fluid Infiltration in Thin Fibrous Sheets, Journal of Applied Physics 105, 113522 (2009)

45-H.V. Tafreshi, M.S.A. Rahman, S. Jaganathan, Q. Wang, and B. Pourdeyhimi, Analytical Expressions for Predicting Permeability of Bimodal Fibrous Porous Media, Chemical Engineering Science 64, 1154 (2009)

44-S. Jaganathan, H.V. Tafreshi, E. Shim, and B. Pourdeyhimi, A Study on Compression-Induced Morphological Changes of Nonwoven Fibrous Materials, Colloids and Surfaces A 337, 173 (2009)

43-Qashou, H.V. Tafreshi, and B. Pourdeyhimi, An Investigation of the Radiative Heat Transfer through Fibrous Thin Sheets, Journal of Engineered Fibers & Fabrics 4, 1, 9-15 (2009)

42-B. Maze, H.V. Tafreshi, and B. Pourdeyhimi, Case Studies of Air Filtration at Microscales: Micro- and Nanofiber Media, Journal of Engineered Fibers & Fabrics 3, 2 Special Issue: Sp. Iss. SI (2008)

41-S. Jaganathan, H.V. Tafreshi, and B. Pourdeyhimi, Two-Scale Modeling Approach to Predict Permeability of Fibrous Media, Journal of Engineered Fibers & Fabrics 3, 2 Special Issue: Sp. Iss. SI (2008)

40-S. Jaganathan, H.V. Tafreshi, and B. Pourdeyhimi, Modeling Liquid Porosimetry in Modeled and Imaged 3-D Fibrous Microstructures, Journal of Colloid & Interface Science 326, 166 (2008)

39-S. Jaganathan, H.V. Tafreshi, and B. Pourdeyhimi, A Case Study of Realistic Two-Scale Modeling of Water Permeability in Fibrous Media, Separation Science & Technology 43, 1901 (2008)

38-M. Latifi, H.V. Tafreshi, and B. Pourdeyhimi, A Note on an Optical Method to Evaluate Fiber Dispersion in Wet-laid Nonwoven Process, Textile Research Journal 78(6): 518 (2008)

37-S. Jaganathan, H.V. Tafreshi, B. Maze, and B. Pourdeyhimi, Simulating Liquid Flow through Virtual Glass Fiber Mats, Textile Research Journal 78, 903 (2008)

36-S. Jaganathan, H.V. Tafreshi, and B. Pourdeyhimi, The Influence of Forming Surface on the Vacuum Pressure in Hydroentangling Process, Journal of The Textile Institute 99(5): 407 (2008)

35-B. Karaguzel, H.V. Tafreshi, and B. Pourdeyhimi, Potentials and Challenges in Jetting Microdroplets onto Nonwoven Fabrics, Journal of The Textile Institute 99(6): 581 (2008)

34-S. Jaganathan, H.V. Tafreshi, and B. Pourdeyhimi, A Realistic Approach for Modeling Permeability of Fibrous Media: 3-D Imaging Coupled with CFD Simulation, Chemical Engineering Science 63, 244 (2008)

33-S. Jaganathan, H.V. Tafreshi, and B. Pourdeyhimi, On the Pressure Drop Prediction of Filter Media with Bimodal Fiber Diameter, Powder Technology 181, 89 (2008)

32-B. Maze, H.V. Tafreshi, and B. Pourdeyhimi, Geometrical Modeling of Fibrous Materials under Compression, Journal of Applied Physics 102, 073533 (2007)

31-Q. Wang, B. Maze, H.V. Tafreshi, and B. Pourdeyhimi, Simulating Through-plane Permeability of Fibrous Materials Having Different Fiber Lengths, Modeling & Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 15, 855-868 (2007)

30-S. Zobel, B. Maze, H.V. Tafreshi, Q. Wang, and B. Pourdeyhimi, Simulating Permeability of 3-D Calendered Fibrous Structures, Chemical Engineering Science 62, 6285-6296 (2007)

29-Q. Wang, B. Maze, H.V. Tafreshi, and B. Pourdeyhimi, On the Pressure Drop Modeling of Monofilament Woven Fabrics, Chemical Engineering Science 62, 4817-4821 (2007)

28-N. Anantharamaiah, H.V. Tafreshi, and B. Pourdeyhimi, Predicting Inlet Roundness of Hydroentangling Nozzles via CFD Simulations, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 17(5), N31 (2007)

27-B. Maze, H.V. Tafreshi, Q. Wang, and B. Pourdeyhimi, Unsteady-state Simulation of Nanoparticle Aerosol Filtration via Nanofiber Electrospun Filters at Reduced Pressures, Journal of Aerosol Science 38, 550-571 (2007)

26-N. Anantharamaiah, K. Roempert, H.V. Tafreshi, and B. Pourdeyhimi, A New Design for Nozzle Strips of Hydroentangling Process for Minimizing Jet Marks on the Fabrics, Journal of Materials Science 42 (15), 6161-6170 (2007)

25-Q. Wang, B. Maze, H.V. Tafreshi, and B. Pourdeyhimi, A Note on Permeability Simulation of Multifilament Woven Fabrics, Chemical Engineering Science 61, 8085 (2006)

24-K. Wegner, P., Piseri, H.V. Tafreshi, and P. Milani, Cluster Beam Deposition: A Tool for Nanoscale Science and Technology, Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics 39, R439 (2006)

23-N. Anantharamaiah, H.V. Tafreshi, and B. Pourdeyhimi, A Study on Hydroentangling Waterjets and their Impact Forces, Experiments in Fluids 41 (1), 103 (2006)

22-Q. Wang, B. Maze, H.V. Tafreshi, and B. Pourdeyhimi, A Case Study of Simulating Submicron Aerosol Filtration via Spun-bonded Filter Media, Chemical Engineering Science 61, 4871 (2006)

21-N. Anantharamaiah, H.V. Tafreshi, and B. Pourdeyhimi, Numerical Simulation of the Formation of Constricted Waterjets in Capillary Nozzles: Effects of Nozzle Geometry, Chemical Engineering Research & Design 84(A3), 231 (2006)

20-N. Anantharamaiah, H.V. Tafreshi, and B. Pourdeyhimi, A Study on Deterioration of Hydroentangling Nozzles due to Erosion and Particle Accretion, Chemical Engineering Science 61, 4582 (2006)

19-H.V. Tafreshi, P. Piseri, G. Benedek, and P. Milani, The Role of Gas Dynamics in Operation Conditions of a Pulsed Microplasma Cluster Source for Nanostructured Thin Films Deposition, Journal of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology 6, 1140 (2006)

18-H.V. Tafreshi, E. Ercan, and B. Pourdeyhimi, Calculating Mass Transfer from Vertical Wet Fabrics Using a Free Convection Heat Transfer Correlation, Heat & Mass Transfer 42(9) 767 (2006)

17-B. Pourdeyhimi, B. Maze, and H.V. Tafreshi, Simulation and analysis of unbonded nonwoven fibrous structures, Journal of Engineered Fibers & Fabrics 1, 2 47-65 (2006)

16-P. Piseri, H.V. Tafreshi, and P. Milani, Manipulation of Nano-particles in Supersonic Beams for the Production of Nanostructured Materials, Current Opinion in Solid State & Material Science 8, 195 (2004)

15-H.V. Tafreshi and B. Pourdeyhimi, Simulation of Cavitation and Hydraulic Flip inside Hydroentangling Nozzles, Textile Research Journal 74(4), 359 (2004)

14-Begenir, H.V. Tafreshi, and B. Pourdeyhimi, Effects of the Nozzle Geometry on Hydroentangling Waterjets: Experimental Study, Textile Research Journal 74(2), 178 (2004)

13-H.V. Tafreshi and B. Pourdeyhimi, Effects of Nozzle Geometry on Waterjet Breakup at High Reynolds Numbers, Experiments in Fluids 35(4), 364 (2003)

12-H.V. Tafreshi and B. Pourdeyhimi, Simulation of Flow Dynamics in Hydroentangling Nozzles: The Effect of Cone Angle and Nozzle Aspect Ratio, Textile Research Journal 73(8), 700 (2003)

11-H.V. Tafreshi and B. Pourdeyhimi, The Role of Baffles on Flow Fields inside Wet-lay Mixing Tanks and their Potential Influence on the Fiber Dispersion, Textile Research Journal 73(7), 575 (2003)

10-H.V. Tafreshi, B. Pourdeyhimi, R. Holmes, and D. Shiffler, Simulation and Characterization of Water Flow inside Hydroentangling Orifices, Textile Research Journal 73(3), 256 (2003)

9-G. Benedek, H.V. Tafreshi, E. Barborini, P. Piseri, P. Milani, C. Ducati, and J. Robertson, The structure of negatively curved spongy carbon, Diamond & Related Materials (12), 768 (2003)

8-H.V. Tafreshi, P. Piseri, E. Barborini, G. Benedek, and P. Milani, Simulation on the Effect of Brownian Motion on Nanoparticle Trajectories in a Pulsed Micro-plasma Cluster Source, Journal of Nanoparticle Research 4(6), 511 (2002)

7-H.V. Tafreshi, G. Benedek, P. Zamankhan, and P. J. Sarkomaa, Diffusive Behavior and Structural Characterization of the Hard Sphere Fluid Through Narrow Channels with Roughened Walls, Canadian Journal of Physics 80(7), 723 (2002)

6-H.V. Tafreshi, G. Benedek, P. Piseri, S. Vinati, E. Barborini, and P. Milani, A Simple Nozzle Configuration for the Production of Low Divergence Supersonic Cluster Beam by Aerodynamic Focusing, Aerosol Science & Technology 36(5), 326 (2002)

5-H.V. Tafreshi, G. Benedek, P. Piseri, S. Vinati, E. Barborini, and P. Milani, Aerodynamic Focusing of Clusters into a High Intensity and Low Divergence Supersonic Beam, European Physical Journal-Applied Physics 16(2), 149 (2001)

4-P. Zamankhan, H.V. Tafreshi, W. Jr. Polashenski, P. Sarkomaa, and C. Hyndman, Shear-induced Diffusive Mixing in Simulations of Dense Couette Flow of Rough, Inelastic Hard Spheres, Journal of Chemical Physics 109(11), 4487 (1998)

3-P. Zamankhan, W. Jr. Polashenski, H.V. Tafreshi, A. S. Manesh, and P. Sarkomaa, Shear-induced Particle Diffusion in Inelastic Hard Sphere Fluids, Physical Review E 58(5), R5237 (1998)

2-P. Zamankhan, W. Jr. Polashenski, H.V. Tafreshi, P. Sarkomaa, and C. Hyndman, Bond-orientational Order in Sheared Dense Flows of Inelastic Hard Spheres, Applied Physics Letters 73, 450 (1998)

1-P. Zamankhan, H.V. Tafreshi, and John C. Chen, Lateral Diffusive Migration of Massive Particles in High-velocity Vertical Pipe Flow of Moderately Dense Gas-solid Suspensions, Physical Review E 56(3), 2972 (1997)