
O’Connor Google Scholar

(Updated 01/2023)


72. Y. Liu, M. Zheng, B. O’Connor, J. Dong, Y. Zhu, Curvilinear soft electronics by micromolding of metal nanowires in capillaries, Science Advances, 8, ead6996, 2022. link

71. R.E. Booth, C. Khanna, H.M. Schrickx, S. Siddika, A. Al Shafe, B.T. O’Connor, Electrothermally Actuated Semitransparent Shape Memory Polymer Composite with Application as a Wearable Touch Sensor, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 16, 53129, 2022. link

70. R.E. Booth, H.M. Schrickx, G. Hanby, Y. Liu, Y. Qin, H. Ade, Y. Zhu, B.T. O’Connor, Silver Nanowire Composite Electrode Enabling Highly Flexible, Robust Organic Photovoltaics, Solar RRL, 6, 2200264, 2022. link

69. A. Altaqui, H. Schrickx, S. Gyurek, P. Sen, M. Escuti, B.T. O’Connor, M. Kudenov, Cephalopod-inspired snapshot multispectral sensor based on geometric phase lens and stacked organic photodetectors, Optical Engineering, 61, 077104, 2022. link

68. Eshwar Ravishankar, Ronald E Booth, Joseph A Hollingsworth, Harald Ade, Heike Sederoff, Joseph F DeCarolis, Brendan T O’Connor, Organic solar powered greenhouse performance optimization and global economic opportunity, Energy and Environmental Science, 15, 1669, 2022. link

67. N. Balar, J.J. Rech, S. Siddika, R. Song, H.M. Schrickx, N. Sheikh, L. Ye, A. Megret Bonilla, O. Awartani, H. Ade, W. You, B.T. O’Connor, Resolving the Molecular Origin of Mechanical Relaxations in Donor–Acceptor Polymer Semiconductors, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2105597, 2022. link

66. H.M. Schrickx, P. Sen, R.E. Booth, A. Altaqui, J. Burleson, J.J. Rech, J. Lee, M. Biliroglu, K. Gundogdu, B.J. Kim, W. You, M.W. Kudenov, and B.T. O’Connor, Ultra-High Alignment of Polymer Semiconductor Blends Enabling Photodetectors with Exceptional Polarization Sensitivity, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2105820, 2022. link


65. A. Altaqui, H. Schrickx, P. Sen, L. Li, J. Rech, J. Lee, N. Balar, W. You, B. Kim, M. Escuti, R. Kolbas, B.T. O’Connor, M. Kudenov, Bio-inspired spectropolarimetric sensor based on tandem organic photodetectors and multi-twist liquid crystals, Optics Express, 29, 2021.

64. S. Son, S. Samson, S. Siddika, B.T. O’Connor, W. You, Thermocleavage of partial side chains in polythiophenes offers appreciable photovoltaic efficiency and significant morphological stability, Chemistry of Materials, 33, 4745, 2021. link

63. S. Siddika, N. Balar, R.E. Booth, B.T. O’Connor, Dynamic mechanical analysis of polymer thin films using a kirigami-inspired support, ACS Macro Lett. 10, 1107, 2021. link

62. E. Ravishankar, M. Charles, Y. Xiong, R. Henry, J. Swift, J. Rech, J. Calero, S. Cho, R.E. Booth, T. Kim, A.H. Balzer, Y. Qin, C.H.Y. Ho, F. So, N. Stingelin, A. Amassian, C. Saravitz, W. You, H. Ade, H. Sederoff, B.T. O’Connor, Balancing crop production and energy harvesting in organic solar-powered greenhouses, Cell Reports Physical Science, 2, 100381, 2021. link

61. A. Altaqui, P. Sen, H. Schrickx, J. Rech, J.W. Loo, M. Escuti, W. You, B. Kim, R. Kolbas, B.T. O’Connor, M. Kudenov, Mantis shrimp-inspired organic photodetector for simultaneous hyperspectral and polarimetric imaging, Science Advances, 2021, DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abe3196. link

60. A. Altaqui, R.M. Kolbas, M.J. Escuti, B.T. O’Connor, M.W. Kudenov, Organic-based photodetectors for multiband spectral imaging, Applied Optics, 60, 2314, 2021. link

59. M. Ghasemi, N. Balar, Z. Peng, H. Hu, Y. Qin, T. Kim, J.J. Rech, M. Bidwell, W. Mask, I. McCulloch, W. You, A. Amassian, C. Risko, B.T. O’Connor, H. Ade, A molecular interaction–diffusion framework for predicting organic solar cell stability, Nature Materials, 2021, DOI: 10.1038/s41563-020-00872-6. link

58. Z. Peng, K. Jiang, Y. Qin, M. Li, N. Balar, B.T. O’Connor, H. Ade, L. Ye, Y. Geng, Modulation of Morphological, Mechanical, and Photovoltaic Properties of Ternary Organic Photovoltaic Blends for Optimum Operation, Advanced Energy Materials, 2021, DOI: 10.1002/aenm.202003506. link

57. P. Ren, Y. Liu, R. Song, B. O’Connor, J. Dong, Y. Zhu, Achieving High-Resolution Electrohydrodynamic Printing of Nanowires on Elastomeric Substrates through Surface Modification, ACS Applied Electronic Materials, 2021, DOI: 10.1021/acsaelm.0c00747. link


56. R. Song, S. Yao, Y. Liu, H. Wang, J. Dong, Y. Zhu, B.T. O’Connor, Facile Approach to Fabricating Stretchable Organic Transistors with Laser-Patterned Ag Nanowire Electrodes, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 12, 50675, 2020, DOI: 10.1021/acsami.0c15339. link

55. Y. Xiong, R.E. Booth, T. Kim, L. Ye, Y. Liu, Q. Dong, M. Zhang, F. So, Y. Zhu, A. Amassian, B.T. O’Connor, H. Ade, Novel Bimodal Silver Nanowire Network as Top Electrodes for Reproducible and High‐efficiency Semitransparent Organic Photovoltaics, Solar RRL, 2020, DOI:10.1002/solr.202000328. link

54. N. Balar, S. Siddika, S. Kashani, Z. Peng, J.J. Rech, L. Ye, W. You, H. Ade, B.T. O’Connor, The Role of Secondary Thermal Relaxations in Conjugated Polymer Film Toughness, Chemistry of Materials, 32, 6540, 2020. link

53. C.H.Y. Ho, T. Kim, Y. Xiong, Y. Firdaus, X. Yi, Q. Dong, J.J. Rech, A. Gadisa, R.E. Booth, B.T. O’Connor, A. Amassian, H. Ade, W. You, T.D. Anthopoulos, F. So, High-Performance Tandem Organic Solar Cells Using HSolar as the Interconnecting Layer, Advanced Energy Materials, 200823, 2020. link

52. R. Song, H. Schrickx, N. Balar, S. Siddika, N. Sheikh, B.T. O’Connor, Unveiling the Stress–Strain Behavior of Conjugated Polymer Thin Films for Stretchable Device Applications, Macromolecules, 53, 6, 1988, 2020. link

51. E. Ravishankar, R.E.Booth, C. Saravitz, H. Sederoff, H.W.Ade, B.T. O’Connor, Achieving Net Zero Energy Greenhouses by Integrating Semitransparent Organic Solar Cells, Joule, 4, 490, 2020. link

50. R. Yang, P. Sen, B.T. O’Connor, M.W. Kudenov, Optimization of an intrinsic coincident polarimeter and quantitative architectural comparison of different polarimeter techniques, Optical Engineering, 59, 024111, 2020. link

49. J. Hollingsworth, E. Ravishankar, B. O’Connor, J. Johnson, J. DeCarolis, Environmental and Economic Impacts of Solar Powered Integrated Greenhouses. Journal of Industrial Ecology, Journal of Industrial Ecology, 24, 234, 2020. link

48. R. Yang, P. Sen, B.T. O’Connor, M.W. Kudenov, Optical crosstalk and off-axis modeling of an intrinsic coincident polarimeter, Applied Optics, 59, 156, 2020. link


47. S. Yao, P. Ren, R. Song, Y. Liu, Q. Huang, J. Dong, B.T. O’Connor, Y. Zhu, Nanomaterial‐Enabled Flexible and Stretchable Sensing Systems: Processing, Integration, and Applications, Advanced Materials, 1902343, 2019. link

46. N. Balar, J.J. Rech, H. Reece, L. Ye, H. Ade, W. You, B.T. O’Connor, The Importance of Entanglements in Optimizing the Mechanical and Electrical Performance of All-polymer Solar Cells, Chemistry of Materials, 31, 5124, 2019. link

45. H. Hu, L. Ye, M. Ghasemi, N. Balar, J.J. Rech, S.J. Stuard, W. You, B.T. O’Connor, H. Ade, Highly Efficient, Stable, and Ductile Ternary Nonfullerene Organic Solar Cells from a Two-Donor Polymer Blend, Advanced Materials, 1808279, 2019. link

44. L. Ye, Y. Xiong, Z. Chen, Q. Zhang, Z. Fei, R. Henry, M. Heeney, B.T. O’Connor, W. You, H. Ade, Sequential Deposition of Organic Films with Eco-Compatible Solvents Improves Performance and Enables Over 12%-Efficiency Non-Fullerene Solar Cells, Advanced Materials, 1808153, 2019. link

43. T. Sun, R. Song, N. Balar, R.J. Kline, B.T. O’Connor, Impact of Substrate Characteristics on Stretchable Polymer Semiconductor Behavior. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2019. link


42. J.H. Carpenter, M. Ghasemi, E. Gann, I. Angunawela, S.J. Stuard, J.J. Rech, E. Ritchie, B.T. O’Connor, J. Atkin, W. You, D.M. DeLongchamp, H. Ade, Competition between Exceptionally Long-Range Alkyl Sidechain Ordering and Backbone Ordering in Semiconducting Polymers and Its Impact on Electronic and Optoelectronic Properties, Adv. Funct. Mater., 1806977, 2018. link

41. P. Sen, R. Yang, J.J. Rech, Y. Feng, C. Ho, J. Huang, F. So, R.J. Kline, W. You, M.W. Kudenov, B.T. O’Connor, Panchromatic All-Polymer Photodetector with Tunable Polarization Sensitivity, Adv. Optical Mater. 1801346, 2018. link

40. J. Min, Y. Chen, T. Sun, D.T. Lee, C. Li, Y. Zhu, B.T. O’Connor, G.N. Parsons, C. Chang, Conformal Physical Vapor Deposition Assisted by Atomic Layer Deposition and Its Application for Stretchable Conductors, Adv. Mater. Interfaces, 5, 1801379, 2018. link

39. P. Sen, Y. Xiong, Q. Zhang, S. Park, W. You, H. Ade, M.W. Kudenov, B.T. O’Connor, Shear-Enhanced Transfer Printing of Conducting Polymer Thin Films, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 10, 31560, 2018. link


38. M. Moshonas, N.A. Stathopoulos, B.T. O’Connor, A.C. Bedeloglu, S.P. Savaidis, S. Vasiliadis, Optical Modeling of Fiber Organic Photovoltaic Structures, Using a Transmission Line Method, Applied Optics, 56, 9351, 2017. link

37. M. Balar, Y. Xiong, L. Ye, S. Li, D. Nevola, D.B. Dougherty, J. Hou, H. Ade, B.T. O’Connor, The Role of Polymer Segregation on the Mechanical Behavior of All-Polymer Solar Cell Active Layers, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 9, 43886, 2017. link

36. N. Balar, B.T. O’Connor, Correlating Crack Onset Strain and Cohesive Fracture Energy in Polymer Semiconductor Films, Macromolecules, 50, 8611, 2017. link

35. B.C. Hoffman, T. Mcafee, S. Pazoki, A. Apperson, B.T. O’Connor, D.B Dougherty, Temperature Controlled Interlayer Disorder in Ultrathin Films of α-Sexithiophene, Thin Solid Films, 642, 182, 2017. link

34. L. Ye, Y. Xiong, S. Li, M. Ghasemi, N. Balar, J. Turner, A. Gadisa, J. Hou, B.T. O’Connor, H. Ade, Precise Manipulation of Multi-length Scale Morphology and Its Influence on Eco-friendly Printed All-Polymer Solar Cells, Advanced Functional Materials, 27, 1702016, 2017. link

33. J Kim, A. Gadisa, C. Schaefer, H. Yao, B.R. Gautam, N. Balar, M. Ghasemi, I. Constantinuo, F. So, B.T. O’Connor, K. Gundogdu, J. Hou, H. Ade, Strong Polymer Molecular Weight-Dependent Material Interactions: Impact on the Formation of the Polymer/Fullerene Bulk Heterojunction Morphology, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 5, 13176, 2017. link

32. H. Yu, C. Chung, N. Shewmon, S. Ho, J.H. Carpenter, R. Larrabee, T. Sun, J.L. Jones, H. Ade, B.T. O’Connor, F. So, Flexible Inorganic Ferroelectric Thin Films for Nonvolatile Memory Devices, Advanced Functional Materials, 1700461, 2017. link

31. R. Yang, P. Sen, B.T. O’Connor, MW. Kudenov, Intrinsic coincident full-Stokes polarimeter using stacked organic photovoltaics, Applied Optics, 56, 1768, 2017. link

30. B.T. O’Connor, O.M. Awartani, N. Balar, Morphological considerations of organic films for flexible and stretchable devices, MRS Bulletin, 42, 2, 2017. link

29. T. Sun, J.I. Scott, M. Wang, R.J. Kline, G. Bazan, B.T. O’Connor, Plastic Deformation of Polymer Blends as a Means to Achieve Stretchable Organic Transistors, Advanced Electronic Materials, 3, 1, 2017. link


28. L. Ye, Y. Xiong, H. Yao, A.G. Dinku, H. Zhang, S. Li, M. Ghasemi, N. Balar, A. Hunt, B.T. O’Connor, J. Hou, H. Ade, Blade-Coating in Air from Food Additive Solvent Yield High Performance Organic Photovoltaic Cells, Chem. Mat, 28, 7451, 2016. link

27. S. Gupta Roy, O.M. Awartani, P. Sen, B.T. O’Connor, M.W. Kudenov, Intrinsic coincident linear polarimetry using stacked organic photovoltaics, Optics Express, 24, 13, 2016. link

26. J.I. Scott, X. Xue, M. Wang, R.J. Kline, B.C. Hoffman, D. Dougherty, C. Zhou, G. Bazan, B.T. O’Connor, Significantly Increasing the Ductility of High-Performance Polymer Semiconductors Though Polymer Blending, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 8, 1403, 2016. link

25. B. Zhao, O. Awartani, B. O’Connor, M. Zikry, A direct correlation of x-ray diffraction orientation distributions to the in-plane stiffness of semi-crystalline organic semiconducting films, Applied Physics Letters, 108, 181902, 2016. link

24. M. Antonik, B.T. O’Connor, S. Ferguson, Performance and Design Comparison of a Bulk Thermoelectric Cooler with a Hybrid Architecture, ASME Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, 8, 021022, 2016. DOI:10.1115/1.4032637 link

23. B. Zhao, O. Awartani, B. O’Connor, M.A. Zikry, Microstructural Behavior and Failure Mechanisms of Organic Semicrystalline Thin Film Blends, Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics, 54, 896, 2016. link

22. O.M. Awartani, B. Zhao, T. Curie, R.J. Kline, M.A. Zikry, B.T. O’Connor, Anisotropic elastic modulus of oriented regioregular poly(3-hexylthiophene) films, Macromolecules, 49, 327, 2016. link


21. X. Xue, G. Chandler, X. Zhang, R.J. Kline, Z. Fie, M. Heeney, P.J. Diemer, O.D. Jurchescu, B.T. O’Connor, Oriented Liquid crystalline polymer Semiconductor films with large ordered domains, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 7, 26726, 2015. link

20. T. Sun, J.L. Peavey, M.D. Shelby, S. Ferguson, B.T. O’Connor, Heat shrink formation of a corrugated thin film thermoelectric generator, Energy Conversion and Management, 103, 674, 2015. link

19. B. Kitchen, O. Awartani, R.J. Kline, T. McAfee, H. Ade, B.T. O’Connor, Tuning open-circuit voltage in organic solar cells with molecular orientation, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 7, 13208, 2015. link

18. O. Owoyele, S. Ferguson, B.T. O’Connor, Performance analysis of a thermoelectric cooler with a corrugated architecture, Applied Energy, 147, 184, 2015. link

17. O. Awartani, M.W. Kudenov, R.J. Kline, B.T. O’Connor, In-plane alignment in organic solar cells to probe the morphological dependence of charge recombination, Advanced Functional Materials, 25, 1296, 2015. link


16. O. Awartani, M.W. Kudenov, B.T. O’Connor, Organic photovoltaic cells with controlled polarization sensitivity, Applied Physics Letters, 104, 093306, 2014. link

15. B.T. O’Connor, O.G. Reid, X. Zhang, R.J. Kline, L.J. Richter, D.J. Gundlach, D.M. DeLongchamp, M.F. Toney, N. Kopidakis, G. Rumbles, Morphological origin of charge transport anisotropy in aligned polythiophene thin films, Advanced Functional Materials, 24, 3422, 2014. link


14. D. Gargi, R.J. Kline, D.M. DeLongchamp, D.A. Fischer, M.F. Toney, B.T. O’Connor, Charge transport in highly face-on poly(3-hexylthiophene) films, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 117, 17421, 2013. link

13. O. Awartani, B.I. Lemanski, H. Ro, L.J. Richter, D.M. DeLongchamp, B.T. O’Connor, Correlating stiffness, ductility, and morphology of polymer:fullerene films for solar cell applications, Advanced Energy Materials, 3, 3, 2013. link

2012 & earlier

12. H. Ro, B. Akgun, B.T. O’Connor, M. Hammond, R.J. Kline, C.R. Snyder, S.K. Satija, A.L. Ayzner, M.F. Toney, C.L. Soles, D.M. DeLongchamp, Poly(3-hexylthiophene) and [6,6]-Phenyl-C-61-butyric Acid Methyl Ester mixing in organic solar cells, Macromolecules, 45, 6587-6599, 2012. link

11. B. O’Connor, R.J. Kline, B.R. Conrad, L.J. Richter, D. Gundlach, M.F. Toney, D.M. DeLongchamp, Anisotropic structure and charge transport in highly strain-aligned regioregular poly(3-hexylthiophene), Advanced Functional Materials, 21, 3697, 2011. link

10. B. O’Connor, E.P. Chan, C. Chan, B.R. Conrad, L.J. Richter, R.J. Kline, M. Heeney, I. McCulloch, C.L. Soles, D.M. DeLongchamp, Correlations between mechanical and electrical properties of polythiophenes. ACS Nano, 4, 12, 2010. link

9. B. O’Connor, D. Nothern, K.P. Pipe, M. Shtein, High efficiency, broadband solar cell architectures based on arrays of volumetrically distributed narrowband photovoltaic fibers. Optics Express, 18, 103, 2010. link

8. K.H. An, B. O’Connor, K.P. Pipe, M. Shtein, Organic photodetector with spectral response tunable across the visible spectrum by means of internal optical microcavity. Organic Electronics, 10, 1152, 2009. link

7. B. O’Connor, C. Haughn, K.H. An, K.P. Pipe, M. Shtein, Transparent and conductive electrodes based on unpatterned, thin metal films. Applied Physics Letters, 93, 223304, 2008. link

6. K.H. An, B. O’Connor, Y. Zhao, K.P. Pipe, M. Shtein, Scanning optical probe microscope with sub-micrometer resolution using an organic photodetector. Applied Physics Letters 93, 033311, 2008. link

5. B. O’Connor, K.P. Pipe, M. Shtein, Fiber based organic photovoltaic devices. Applied Physics Letters 92, 193306,

4. Y. Zhao, K.H. An, S. Chen, B. O’Connor, K.P. Pipe, M. Shtein, Localized current injection and submicron organic light-emitting device on a pyramidal atomic force microscopy tip. Nano Letters 7, 3645, 2007. link

3. B. O’Connor, K.H. An, Y. Zhao, K.P. Pipe, M. Shtein, Fiber shaped organic light emitting device. Advanced Materials 19, 3897, 2007. link

2. B. O’Connor, K.H. An, Y. Zhao, K.P. Pipe, M. Shtein, Enhanced optical field intensity distribution in organic photovoltaics using external coatings. Applied Physics Letters 89, 233502, 2006. link

1. K.H. An, B. O’Connor, Y. Zhao, K.P. Pipe, M. Shtein, Organic light emitting device on a scanning probe cantilever. Applied Physics Letters 89, 111117, 2006. link