High intensity laser-ultrasound

Laser ultrasound is based on the photoacoustic effect to generate high frequency, broadband and high pressure acoustic waves. In a laser ultrasound transducer, a material absorbs pulsed laser energy, leading to a transient thermal expansion and generating an ultrasonic wave propagating out from the absorber. The laser light can shine on the flat or concave absorbing film to generate un-focused or focused ultrasound, respectively.

In laser ultrasound transducers, the optical absorbing thin film with high optical absorption and high thermal expansion is a critically important component. In this study, we investigated a carbon nanofibers–PDMS (CNFs-PDMS) composite thin film for high intensity ultrasound generation. The results strongly suggest that CNFs-PDMS thin film is promising for efficient laser ultrasound transducers for a broad range of ultrasound applications.


(a) Non-focused and (b) Focused laser generated ultrasound transducer; (c) Experimental setup for laser ultrasound generation; (d) Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) photograph of the CNFs thin film (10000×); (e) Waveforms of laser generated ultrasound by CNFs-PDMS thin film and carbon black PDMS film.


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