Here are a few updates on Graduation for Spring 2021:
The Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering will be hosting a VIRTUAL graduation ceremony on May 14th at 10:30AM. We will be in touch with more details closer to that date. We are offering in-person graduation photos with our Department Head, Dr. Ekkad. If you would like to participate, please wear either your cap and gown (optional— if purchasing) or business casual clothing. If you would like to purchase a cap and gown, they are currently available at the bookstore (Wolfpack Outfitters). However, this is NOT required for the MAE Grad Ceremony. However, do note that caps and gowns are required for the University Commencement Ceremony, if you plan to attend.
Dr. Ekkad will be available during the following dates/times for photos:
There will be a backdrop for your photo with Dr. Ekkad. Additionally you are also welcome to take your own photos in or around EBIII (in front of the plane outside, the Apollo model on the 3rd floor, the race car on the 3rd floor, etc.). |