Corner Effects on Shock-Induced Separation
Holger Babinsky
Professor of Aerodynamics
Magdalene College
University of Cambridge
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The interaction of a shock wave with a turbulent boundary layer is one of the fundamental building blocks of compressible flow. It is particularly important to understand under what circumstances a shock wave causes flow separation. The most fundamental of all shock/boundary-layer interactions (SBLIs) is that of a normal shock with a flat plate boundary layer. Here, it was thought that the primary factor determining the onset of separation is the shock strength (Mach number) with only a mild secondary influence of the incoming boundary layer shape factor. However, the data gathered over the last 50 years shows a remarkable amount of scatter. In this talk I will argue that the geometry of the flow field (in particular the confinement due to limited wind tunnel size) may play a significant role, which can explain the scatter seen in the data. Some ideas for the physics of this ‘corner effect’ will be proposed and the wider implications will be discussed. In the second part of this talk I will apply the findings from the normal shock interaction case onto the next fundamental SBLI flow field; the supersonic oblique shock reflection. Here again, I will demonstrate that side-wall effects can have considerable impact on the flow field and the onset of separation.
Holger Babinsky graduated with a distinction in Aerospace Engineering from Stuttgart University in Germany. He obtained a PhD in hypersonic aerodynamics from Cranfield University (UK) in 1994. After 18 months as Research Associate at the Shock Wave Research Centre of Tohoku University in Sendai, Japan he returned to the UK to take up a position at the University of Cambridge. He is now Professor of Aerodynamics as well as a Fellow at Magdalene College.