Advances in nanotechnology have yielded nanomaterials, both hard and soft nanomaterials, with a variety of shapes, sizes and compositions, and their unique physicochemical properties, stemming from their size, shape and composition, have offered enormous promise to advance diverse fields, ranging from optoelectronics and nanophotonics to molecular/nano sensing, biosecurity and bio/nano medicine. Recently, great interest has been focused on their promising attributes for manipulating into multifunctional hybrid nanostructured materials with tailored size, shape and function. These hybrid nanomaterials would yield advanced properties that have multifaceted applications in various fields, including biomedical applications to offer an enabling approach to customize nanoagents to the individual patients. Despite recent progress, however, there still is plenty of room for improvement and many untapped possibilities for innovative strategies to be developed. This lecture will discuss our recent advances in the design and fabrication of multifunctional bio-hybrid nanocomposites for advanced materials particularly in bio/nano medicine. It will also discuss the fundamental challenges to as well as future directions of the controlled assembly of bio-hybrid soft nanocomposites with specific shape and function, particularly the need of a “holistic” approach in their development by considering not only the impediments regarding chemistry and controls in NP assembly but also the incomplete but growing understanding of biology and the interactions between nanomaterials and biological components in a complex biological system.
Click here to watch the seminar live April 28, 2023 at 10 a.m.
Jin-Woo Kim is a Director of Bio/Nano Technology Group and a Professor of Biological Engineering, Biomedical Engineering and Materials Science & Engineering at University of Arkansas. He is an Adjunct Professor of Electrical Engineering at Pohang University of Science & Technology (POSTECH). He received his first B.S. in Chemical Technology (currently Chemical & Biological Engineering) from Seoul National University, the second B.S. in Microbiology from University of Iowa, the M.S. in Biology from University of Wisconsin, and the Ph.D. in Biological Engineering from Texas A&M University. He was a Visiting Professor of the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Harvard University and the Center for Functional Nanomaterials at Brookhaven National Laboratory. His research focus is in Bio/Nano Technology, i.e., biologically inspired nanotechnology, which spans interdisciplinary fields of biological engineering, biomedical engineering, biology, chemistry, and nanotechnology. Learning from biological systems in nature, his research aims to develop more effective and efficient routes to “panoscale” (i.e., ‘any’ scale) system integration of multifunctional hierarchical structures for biomimetic advanced materials and devices. He has published over 150 articles, over 250 presentations with over 90 invited presentations, and 5 patents granted/pending. He received several teaching and research awards, holds editorial board memberships for several journals, including an Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Open Journal of Nanotechnology and Senior Editors of IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology and IEEE Transactions of Nanobioscience, and has been ad-hoc reviewers for leading journals, including Science, PNAS, and Nature Nanotechnology. He held leadership positions for international societies, including President-Elect (2023) and Vice Presidents for Conferences (2021-2022) and for Publications (2017-2019) of IEEE Nanotechnology Council (NTC). He is a steering committee chair of IEEE-NANOMED, and has served as organizing committees for several international conferences, including general chair (2023) and general co-chair (2019) of IEEE-NANO, general chairs (2015 and 2019), general co-chairs (2011, 2017, 2020, and 2021) and program chair (2010) of IEEE-NANOMED, general chair (2020) of IEEE-NEMS, etc. He is a Fellow of IEEE (2022), a Fellow of the American Institute of Medical & Biological Engineering (AIMBE; 2017) and IEEE Nanotechnology Distinguished Lecturer (2017-2018).