This is a part of collaborative research proposed efforts between North Carolina State University (NCSU) and Czech Technical University (CTU) in Prague, Czech Republic. The objective of this talk is to develop an integrated performance-aware deep generative design framework for design, modeling, fabrication, and experimentally validating auxetic honeycombs for unique combinations of stiffness, strength, and energy dissipation with low mass. The deep learning model based on a physics-informed variational autoencoder (PI-VAE) generates many design variants starting from experimentally validated datasets for two parent types of auxetic materials to predict pertinent auxetic honeycomb micro-topology. The developed generative model will form a performance-topology relationship for auxetic honeycombs. The auxetic honeycombs will be tested under quasi-static up to low velocity impact for experimental verification and numerical validation.
Click here to watch the seminar live on Friday, October 28 at 10 am.
Dr. Yuan’s long-term goal is to create new and unique innovations in the area of smart structures and to bring these advances into the classroom.
At the graduate level, Dr. Yuan teaches Structural Health Monitoring (MAE 589). This class exposes students to state-of-the-art sensors and signal processing methods for in in-situ, continual monitoring of the health of structural systems.
At the undergraduate level, Dr. Yuan teaches the Bio-flight option of Aerospace Senior Design (MAE 478 and 479). In this year-long course, students study the different flight principles of birds. They select the feature(s) that can best be translated into human flight, and then build working prototype aircraft that utilize the selected feature(s). The class is also unique in that it brings in the latest research in bio-flight, in particular, understanding of bi-flight resulting from recent studies, and new methods of actuation and sensing tailored to aircraft morphing.
In his research, Dr. Yuan looks for graduate students with a multi-disciplinary background. He trains his students to methodically solve challenging technical problems and his students are drawn to Dr. Yuan’s research, in large part, because his research involves making advancements to multi-disciplinary problems that are both challenging and of high societal impact.