Two recent advancements of high-order spectral difference (SD) method for computational fluid dynamics on unstructured meshes will be presented. The first progress is our contribution to a new curved sliding-mesh approach to the SD method for simulating rotary wing aerodynamics. Our applications include marine propellers and ducted wind turbines.
The second elevation of the SD method is our recent successful design of a massively parallel code, namely CHORUS, for predicting thermal convection in the Sun. Recently, we have also built an accurate SDDC (spectral difference with divergence cleaning) method and a fast simulation capability for predicting magnetohydrodynamics of the Sun.
Tune in Friday, September 30, 2022 at 10 a.m. to watch live.
Dr. Chunlei Liang is a Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Clarkson University. He is an editorial board member of Progress in Aerospace Sciences, an Elsevier Review Journal and an Associate Editor of ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering. Dr. Liang is an ASME Fellow and an AIAA Associate Fellow. He received a Young Investigator Program (YIP) award from the Office of Naval Research in 2014, a CAREER award from the National Science Foundation in 2016, and a PECASE award from the White House in 2019.