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(at NCSU)  

Engineering Dynamics

Kinematics and kinetics of particles in rectangular, cylindrical, and curvilinear coordinate systems; energy and momentum methods for particles; kinetics of systems of particles; kinematics and kinetics of rigid bodies in two and three dimensions; motion relative to rotating coordinate systems.

Prerequisite: MA 242 and C or better in MAE 206 or CE 214


Dynamics of Machines

Application of dynamics to the analysis and design of machine and mechanical components. Motions resulting from applied loads, and the forces required to produce specified motions. Introduction to mechanical vibration, free and forced response of discrete and continuous systems.

Prerequisite: MA 341 and C or better in MAE 208


Modern Manufacturing Processes

This course will cover traditional and non-traditional manufacturing processes of metallic and plastic products. To relate theory taught in class with practice, hands-on manufacturing projects will be carried out. The projects will involve products fabricated from multiple manufacturing processes such as casting, machining, rapid prototyping, and assembly.

Prerequisite: MA 316 and C or better in MAE 371


Mechatronics Design

Principles of Mechatronics Design, review of logic gates, microprocessor architecture, sensors and actuators, A/D and D/A conversion techniques, real-time multi-tasking programming concepts, direct digital control implementation. “Hands-on” experience through several laboratory assignments and final team project.

Prerequisite: Structured Programming Experience, Senior/Graduate Standing in WPS/MAE.

(at FSU)  
EML4930/5930 (Senior/Graduate): Design and Modeling for Manufacturing Processes
EML4930/5930 (Senior/Graduate): Manufacturing Process Control
EML4312/5311 (Senior/Graduate): Design and Analysis of Control Systems
EML4316/5317 (Senior/Graduate): Advanced Control Systems
(at UCF)  
EGN3321 (Junior): Engineering Analysis: Dynamics
EML4312 (Senior): Feedback Controls
EML5311 (Graduate): System Control
EAS4407/5407 (Senior/Graduate): Mechatronic Systems
EML4937/5937 (Senior/Graduate): Design for Manufacturing: Gas/Steam/Wind Turbines & Generators 
EML6808 (Graduate): Analysis and Control for Robot Manipulators
EML6938 (Graduate): Intelligent Systems: Modeling, Optimization and Control

Representative Videos from Course Projects:

  1. Projectile motion (MAE208)

Credits: Alexander DiPirro; Matthew Simpson; Lan Shaffer


2. Impact (MAE208)

Credits: Eneko Zubizarreta; Drew Davidson


3. Rigid Body Motion (MAE208)


Credits: Emma McDonald


New Course Developed:

Design and Modeling for Manufacturing Processes (EML4930/5930, FSU): Topics included but not limited to descriptive and analytical treatment of manufacturing processes, production equipment, and integrated systems.

Manufacturing Process Control (EML4930/5930, FSU): Topics included but not limited to computer integrated manufacturing with numerical control of machine tools, automation via programmable logic controller, motion control, and process control examples.

Mechatronic Systems (EAS4407/5407, UCF): Topics included but not limited to concepts of programming and interfacing with microprocessors, microprocessor architectures and programming, hardware and software interfacing for serial communication and digital and analog I/O, and stand-alone microcomputers to control actual processes.

Design for Manufacturing: Gas/Steam/Wind Turbines & Generators (EML4937/5937, UCF): Topics included but not limited to overall assembly of rotating and stationary components in power generation powertrains; probabilistic design; coatings, manufacturing steps, defects for gas/steam/wind turbines and generators.

Analysis and Control for Robot Manipulators (EML6808, UCF): Topics included but not limited to basic components of robotic systems; selection of coordinate frames; homogeneous transformations; solutions to kinematic equations; velocity and force/torque relations; manipulator dynamics in Lagrange’s formulation; digital simulation of manipulator motion; motion planning; obstacle avoidance; and manipulator control.

Intelligent Systems: Modeling, Optimization and Control (EML6938, UCF): Topics included but not limited to multiple disciplines of intelligent systems, such as fuzzy logic, neural network, evolutionary strategy and genetic algorithm, for system modeling, off-line optimization and online automatic control.