The Outstanding Teacher Award recognizes excellence in teaching at all levels. Faculty must be recognized by the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost as an Outstanding Teacher before they can receive the Board of Governors Award for Excellence in Teaching and the Alumni Distinguished Undergraduate Professor Award.
Recipients of the Outstanding Teacher Award become members of the Academy of Outstanding Teachers for as long as they remain NC State faculty. Recipients are recognized at the Teaching Awards Ceremony at the Teaching and Learning Symposium in the Spring and their names are published in the NC State Bulletin and Commencement Program.
As the Director of iSSRL (Intelligent Structure and Systems Research Lab), Dr. Matthew Bryant’s research seeks novel solutions and new devices that contribute to the advancement of emerging technologies in areas including ambient energy harvesting, fluid-structure interaction, and robot actuation and mobility. His work emphasizes a multi-disciplinary approach and encompasses both experimental and theoretical investigations. Of particular interest are applications that incorporate smart or adaptive materials and structures, as well as be bio-inspired designs. He is currently working on (1) energy harvesting from piezoelectric structures that driven by fluid-induced vibration or flutter instabilities, (2) aerodynamics of flapping and oscillating wings, (3) development of self-powered sensing/actuation systems, and (4) bio-inspired artificial muscles for robotics and prostheses.
At the graduate level, Dr. Bryant teaches a course in smart materials systems (MAE 538). This course introduces students to modeling, analysis, design, and applications of smart materials systems with applications to piezoelectrics, shape memory alloys, and electroactive polymers.
In addition to research and teaching, Dr. Bryant enjoys outdoor activities including fishing, hiking, kayaking, and nature photography.